
class unreal.AnimationBudgetAllocatorParameters(budget_in_ms: float = 0.0, min_quality: float = 0.0, max_tick_rate: int = 0, work_unit_smoothing_speed: float = 0.0, always_tick_falloff_aggression: float = 0.0, interpolation_falloff_aggression: float = 0.0, interpolation_max_rate: int = 0, max_interpolated_components: int = 0, interpolation_tick_multiplier: float = 0.0, initial_estimated_work_unit_time_ms: float = 0.0, max_ticked_offsreen_components: int = 0, state_change_throttle_in_frames: int = 0, budget_factor_before_reduced_work: float = 0.0, budget_factor_before_reduced_work_epsilon: float = 0.0, budget_pressure_smoothing_speed: float = 0.0, reduced_work_throttle_min_in_frames: int = 0, reduced_work_throttle_max_in_frames: int = 0, budget_factor_before_aggressive_reduced_work: float = 0.0, reduced_work_throttle_max_per_frame: int = 0, budget_pressure_before_emergency_reduced_work: float = 0.0, auto_calculated_significance_max_distance: float = 0.0)

Bases: StructBase

Parameter block used to control the behavior of the budget allocator

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: AnimationBudgetAllocator

  • Module: AnimationBudgetAllocator

  • File: AnimationBudgetAllocatorParameters.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • always_tick_falloff_aggression (float): [Read-Write] Range [0.1, 0.9]. Controls the rate at which ‘always ticked’ components falloff under load. Higher values mean that we reduce the number of always ticking components by a larger amount when the allocated time budget is exceeded.

  • auto_calculated_significance_max_distance (float): [Read-Write] Range > 1.0. Controls the distance at which auto-calculated significance for budgeted components bottoms out. Components within the distance 1 -> Max will have significance mapped 1 -> 0, outside of MaxDistance significance will be zero.

  • budget_factor_before_aggressive_reduced_work (float): [Read-Write] Range > 1. Reduced work will be applied more rapidly when budget pressure goes over this amount.

  • budget_factor_before_reduced_work (float): [Read-Write] Range > 1 Reduced work will be delayed until budget pressure goes over this amount.

  • budget_factor_before_reduced_work_epsilon (float): [Read-Write] Range > 0.0. Increased work will be delayed until budget pressure goes under BudgetFactorBeforeReducedWork minus this amount.

  • budget_in_ms (float): [Read-Write] Values > 0.1. The time in milliseconds that we allocate for skeletal mesh work to be performed. When overbudget various other parameters come into play, such as AlwaysTickFalloffAggression and InterpolationFalloffAggression.

  • budget_pressure_before_emergency_reduced_work (float): [Read-Write] Range > 0.0. Controls the budget pressure where emergency reduced work (applied to all components except those that are bAlwaysTick).

  • budget_pressure_smoothing_speed (float): [Read-Write] Range > 0.0. How much to smooth the budget pressure value used to throttle reduced work.

  • initial_estimated_work_unit_time_ms (float): [Read-Write] Values > 0.0. Controls the time in milliseconds we expect, on average, for a skeletal mesh component to execute. The value only applies for the first tick of a component, after which we use the real time the tick takes.

  • interpolation_falloff_aggression (float): [Read-Write] Range [0.1, 0.9]. Controls the rate at which interpolated components falloff under load. Higher values mean that we reduce the number of interpolated components by a larger amount when the allocated time budget is exceeded. Components are only interpolated when the time budget is exceeded.

  • interpolation_max_rate (int32): [Read-Write] Values > 1. Controls the rate at which ticks happen when interpolating.

  • interpolation_tick_multiplier (float): [Read-Write] Range [0.1, 0.9]. Controls the expected value an amortized interpolated tick will take compared to a ‘normal’ tick.

  • max_interpolated_components (int32): [Read-Write] Range >= 0. Max number of components to interpolate before we start throttling.

  • max_tick_rate (int32): [Read-Write] Values >= 1. The maximum tick rate we allow. If this is set then we can potentially go over budget, but keep quality of individual meshes to a reasonable level.

  • max_ticked_offsreen_components (int32): [Read-Write] Values >= 1 The maximum number of offscreen components we tick (most significant first)

  • min_quality (float): [Read-Write] Values [0.0, 1.0]. The minimum quality metric allowed. Quality is determined simply by NumComponentsTickingThisFrame / NumComponentsThatWeNeedToTick. If this is anything other than 0.0 then we can potentially go over our time budget.

  • reduced_work_throttle_max_in_frames (int32): [Read-Write] Range [1, 255]. Prevents reduced work from changing too often due to system and load noise. Max value used when under budget pressure.

  • reduced_work_throttle_max_per_frame (int32): [Read-Write] Range [1, 255]. Controls the max number of components that are switched to/from reduced work per tick.

  • reduced_work_throttle_min_in_frames (int32): [Read-Write] Range [1, 255]. Prevents reduced work from changing too often due to system and load noise. Min value used when over budget pressure (i.e. aggressive reduction).

  • state_change_throttle_in_frames (int32): [Read-Write] Range [1, 128] Prevents throttle values from changing too often due to system and load noise.

  • work_unit_smoothing_speed (float): [Read-Write] Values > 0.1. The speed at which the average work unit converges on the measured amount.

property always_tick_falloff_aggression: float

[Read-Write] Range [0.1, 0.9]. Controls the rate at which ‘always ticked’ components falloff under load. Higher values mean that we reduce the number of always ticking components by a larger amount when the allocated time budget is exceeded.



property auto_calculated_significance_max_distance: float

[Read-Write] Range > 1.0. Controls the distance at which auto-calculated significance for budgeted components bottoms out. Components within the distance 1 -> Max will have significance mapped 1 -> 0, outside of MaxDistance significance will be zero.



property budget_factor_before_aggressive_reduced_work: float

[Read-Write] Range > 1. Reduced work will be applied more rapidly when budget pressure goes over this amount.



property budget_factor_before_reduced_work: float

[Read-Write] Range > 1 Reduced work will be delayed until budget pressure goes over this amount.



property budget_factor_before_reduced_work_epsilon: float

[Read-Write] Range > 0.0. Increased work will be delayed until budget pressure goes under BudgetFactorBeforeReducedWork minus this amount.



property budget_in_ms: float

[Read-Write] Values > 0.1. The time in milliseconds that we allocate for skeletal mesh work to be performed. When overbudget various other parameters come into play, such as AlwaysTickFalloffAggression and InterpolationFalloffAggression.



property budget_pressure_before_emergency_reduced_work: float

[Read-Write] Range > 0.0. Controls the budget pressure where emergency reduced work (applied to all components except those that are bAlwaysTick).



property budget_pressure_smoothing_speed: float

[Read-Write] Range > 0.0. How much to smooth the budget pressure value used to throttle reduced work.



property initial_estimated_work_unit_time_ms: float

[Read-Write] Values > 0.0. Controls the time in milliseconds we expect, on average, for a skeletal mesh component to execute. The value only applies for the first tick of a component, after which we use the real time the tick takes.



property interpolation_falloff_aggression: float

[Read-Write] Range [0.1, 0.9]. Controls the rate at which interpolated components falloff under load. Higher values mean that we reduce the number of interpolated components by a larger amount when the allocated time budget is exceeded. Components are only interpolated when the time budget is exceeded.



property interpolation_max_rate: int

[Read-Write] Values > 1. Controls the rate at which ticks happen when interpolating.



property interpolation_tick_multiplier: float

[Read-Write] Range [0.1, 0.9]. Controls the expected value an amortized interpolated tick will take compared to a ‘normal’ tick.



property max_interpolated_components: int

[Read-Write] Range >= 0. Max number of components to interpolate before we start throttling.



property max_tick_rate: int

[Read-Write] Values >= 1. The maximum tick rate we allow. If this is set then we can potentially go over budget, but keep quality of individual meshes to a reasonable level.



property max_ticked_offsreen_components: int

[Read-Write] Values >= 1 The maximum number of offscreen components we tick (most significant first)



property min_quality: float

[Read-Write] Values [0.0, 1.0]. The minimum quality metric allowed. Quality is determined simply by NumComponentsTickingThisFrame / NumComponentsThatWeNeedToTick. If this is anything other than 0.0 then we can potentially go over our time budget.



property reduced_work_throttle_max_in_frames: int

[Read-Write] Range [1, 255]. Prevents reduced work from changing too often due to system and load noise. Max value used when under budget pressure.



property reduced_work_throttle_max_per_frame: int

[Read-Write] Range [1, 255]. Controls the max number of components that are switched to/from reduced work per tick.



property reduced_work_throttle_min_in_frames: int

[Read-Write] Range [1, 255]. Prevents reduced work from changing too often due to system and load noise. Min value used when over budget pressure (i.e. aggressive reduction).



property state_change_throttle_in_frames: int

[Read-Write] Range [1, 128] Prevents throttle values from changing too often due to system and load noise.



property work_unit_smoothing_speed: float

[Read-Write] Values > 0.1. The speed at which the average work unit converges on the measured amount.

