
class unreal.AnimSequencerController(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: Object

Anim Sequencer Controller

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: AnimationData

  • Module: AnimationData

  • File: AnimSequencerController.h

add_attribute(attribute_identifier, should_transact=True) bool

Adds a new attribute with the provided information. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::AttributeAdded notify if successful.

  • attribute_identifier (AnimationAttributeIdentifier) – Identifier for the to-be-added attribute

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the attribute was successfully added

Return type:


add_bone_curve(bone_name, should_transact=True) bool

Add Bone Curve

  • bone_name (Name) –

  • should_transact (bool) –

Return type:


add_bone_track(bone_name, should_transact=True) int32

Add Bone Track deprecated: AddBoneTrack returning index is deprecated use AddBoneCurve returning bool instead.

  • bone_name (Name) –

  • should_transact (bool) –

Return type:


add_curve(curve_id, curve_flags=4, should_transact=True) bool

Adds a new curve with the provided information. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveAdded notify if successful.

  • curve_id (AnimationCurveIdentifier) – Identifier for the to-be-added curve

  • curve_flags (int32) – Flags to be set for the curve

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the curve was successfully added

Return type:


close_bracket(should_transact=True) None

Closes a previously opened interaction bracket, used for combining a set of controller actions. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::BracketClosed notify.


should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated

duplicate_attribute(attribute_identifier, new_attribute_identifier, should_transact=True) bool

Duplicated the attribute (curve) with the identifier. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::AttributeAdded notify if successful.


Whether or not the attribute was successfully duplicated

Return type:


duplicate_curve(copy_curve_id, new_curve_id, should_transact=True) bool

Duplicated the curve with the identifier. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveAdded notify if successful.


Whether or not the curve was successfully duplicated

Return type:


find_or_add_curve_names_on_skeleton(skeleton, supported_curve_type, should_transact=True) None

Updates the curve names with the provided skeleton, if a display name is not found it will be added thus modifying the skeleton. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveRenamed for each curve name for which the UID was different or if it was added as a new smart-name, wrapped within BracketOpened/BracketClosed notifies.

  • skeleton (Skeleton) – Skeleton to retrieve the display name values from

  • supported_curve_type (RawCurveTrackTypes) – Curve type for which the names should be updated

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated

get_model_interface() AnimationDataModel

The IAnimationDataModel instance this controller is currently targeting

Return type:


insert_bone_track(bone_name, desired_index, should_transact=True) int32

Insert Bone Track deprecated: InsertBoneTrack is deprecated use AddBoneTrack instead.

  • bone_name (Name) –

  • desired_index (int32) –

  • should_transact (bool) –

Return type:


open_bracket(title, should_transact=True) None

Opens an interaction bracket, used for combining a set of controller actions. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::BracketOpened notify, this can be used by any Views or dependent systems to halt any unnecessary or invalid operations until the (last) bracket is closed.

  • title (Text) – Description of the bracket, e.g. “Generating Curve Data”

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated

remove_all_attributes(should_transact=True) int32

Removes all stored attributes. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::AttributeRemoved notify for each removed attribute.


should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Total number of removes attributes

Return type:


remove_all_attributes_for_bone(bone_name, should_transact=True) int32

Removes all attributes for the specified bone name, if any. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::AttributeRemoved notify for each removed attribute.

  • bone_name (Name) – Name of the bone to remove attributes for

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Total number of removes attributes

Return type:


remove_all_bone_tracks(should_transact=True) None

Removes all existing Bone Animation tracks. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::TrackRemoved for each removed track, wrapped within BracketOpened/BracketClosed notifies.


should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated

remove_all_curves_of_type(supported_curve_type, should_transact=True) None

Removes all the curves of the provided type. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveRemoved for each removed curve, wrapped within BracketOpened/BracketClosed notifies.

  • supported_curve_type (RawCurveTrackTypes) – Type for which all curves are to be removed

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated

remove_attribute(attribute_identifier, should_transact=True) bool

Removes an attribute, if found, with the provided information. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::AttributeRemoved notify if successful.

  • attribute_identifier (AnimationAttributeIdentifier) – Identifier for the to-be-removed attribute

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the attribute was successfully removed

Return type:


remove_attribute_key(attribute_identifier, time, should_transact=True) bool

Remove a single key from the attribute with provided identifier. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::AttributeChanged notify if successful.

  • attribute_identifier (AnimationAttributeIdentifier) – Identifier for the attribute from which the key is to be removed

  • time (float) – Time of the key to be removed

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the attribute key was successfully removed

Return type:


remove_bone_track(bone_name, should_transact=True) bool

Removes an existing bone animation track with the provided name. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::TrackRemoved notify if successful.

  • bone_name (Name) – Bone name of the track which should be removed

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the removal was successful

Return type:


remove_curve(curve_id, should_transact=True) bool

Remove the curve with provided identifier. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveRemoved notify if successful.

  • curve_id (AnimationCurveIdentifier) – Identifier for the to-be-removed curve

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the curve was successfully removed

Return type:


remove_curve_key(curve_id, time, should_transact=True) bool

Remove a single key from the curve with provided identifier and name. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveChanged notify if successful.

  • curve_id (AnimationCurveIdentifier) – Identifier for the curve for which the key is to be removed

  • time (float) – Time of the key to be removed

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the curve key was successfully removed

Return type:


remove_transform_curve_key(curve_id, time, should_transact=True) bool

Removes a single key for the transform curve with provided identifier. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveChanged notify if successful.

  • curve_id (AnimationCurveIdentifier) – Identifier for the transform curve for which the key is to be removed

  • time (float) – Time of the key to be removed

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the transform curve key was successfully removed

Return type:


rename_curve(curve_to_rename_id, new_curve_id, should_transact=True) bool

Renames the curve with provided identifier. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveRenamed notify if successful.


Whether or not the curve was successfully renamed

Return type:


resize(length, t0, t1, should_transact=True) None

Resize deprecated: Resize is deprecated use ResizeInFrames instead.

resize_in_frames(new_length_in_frames, t0, t1, should_transact=True) None

Sets the total play-able length in seconds and resizes curves. Broadcasts EAnimDataModelNotifyType::SequenceLengthChanged and EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveChanged notifies if successful. T0 and T1 are expected to represent the window of time that was either added or removed. E.g. for insertion T0 indicates the time at which additional time starts and T1 were it ends. For removal T0 indicates the time at which time should be started to remove, and T1 indicates the end. Giving a total of T1 - T0 added or removed length. The number of frames and keys for the provided length is recalculated according to the current value of UAnimDataModel::FrameRate.

  • new_length_in_frames (FrameNumber) – Total new play-able number of frames value (according to frame rate), has to be positive and non-zero

  • t0 (FrameNumber) – Point between 0 and NewLengthInFrames at which the change in length starts

  • t1 (FrameNumber) – Point between 0 and NewLengthInFrames at which the change in length ends

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated

resize_number_of_frames(new_length_in_frames, t0, t1, should_transact=True) None

Sets the total play-able length in seconds. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::SequenceLengthChanged notify if successful. T0 and T1 are expected to represent the window of time that was either added or removed. E.g. for insertion T0 indicates the time at which additional time starts and T1 were it ends. For removal T0 indicates the time at which time should be started to remove, and T1 indicates the end. Giving a total of T1 - T0 added or removed length. The number of frames and keys for the provided length is recalculated according to the current value of UAnimDataModel::FrameRate.

  • new_length_in_frames (FrameNumber) – Total new play-able number of frames value (according to frame rate), has to be positive and non-zero

  • t0 (FrameNumber) – Point between 0 and NewLengthInFrames at which the change in length starts

  • t1 (FrameNumber) – Point between 0 and NewLengthInFrames at which the change in length ends

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated

resize_play_length(new_length, t0, t1, should_transact=True) None

Resize Play Length deprecated: ResizePlayLength is deprecated use ResizeNumberOfFrames instead.

scale_curve(curve_id, origin, factor, should_transact=True) bool

Scales the curve with provided identifier. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveScaled notify if successful.

  • curve_id (AnimationCurveIdentifier) – Identifier of the curve to scale

  • origin (float) – Time to use as the origin when scaling the curve

  • factor (float) – Factor with which the curve is supposed to be scaled

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not scaling the curve was successful

Return type:


set_bone_track_keys(bone_name, positional_keys, rotational_keys, scaling_keys, should_transact=True) bool

Removes an existing bone animation track with the provided name. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::TrackChanged notify if successful. The provided number of keys provided is expected to match for each component, and be non-zero.

  • bone_name (Name) – Bone name of the track for which the keys should be set

  • positional_keys (Array[Vector]) – Array of keys for the translation component

  • rotational_keys (Array[Quat]) – Array of keys for the rotation component

  • scaling_keys (Array[Vector]) – Array of keys for the scale component

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the keys were successfully set

Return type:


set_curve_color(curve_id, color, should_transact=True) bool

Changes the color of the curve with provided identifier. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveRenamed notify if successful. Currently changing curve colors is only supported for float curves.

  • curve_id (AnimationCurveIdentifier) – Identifier of the curve to change the color for

  • color (LinearColor) – Color to which the curve is to be set

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the curve color was successfully changed

Return type:


set_curve_flag(curve_id, flag, state=True, should_transact=True) bool

Set an individual flag for the curve with provided identifier. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveFlagsChanged notify if successful.

  • curve_id (AnimationCurveIdentifier) – Identifier for the curve for which the flag state is to be set

  • flag (AnimAssetCurveFlags) – Flag for which the state is supposed to be set

  • state (bool) – State of the flag to be, true=set/false=not set

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the flag state was successfully set

Return type:


set_curve_flags(curve_id, flags, should_transact=True) bool

Replace the flags for the curve with provided identifier. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveFlagsChanged notify if successful.

  • curve_id (AnimationCurveIdentifier) – Identifier for the curve for which the flag state is to be set

  • flags (int32) – Flag mask with which the existing flags are to be replaced

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the flag mask was successfully set

Return type:


set_curve_key(curve_id, key, should_transact=True) bool

Sets a single key for the curve with provided identifier and name. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveChanged notify if successful. In case a key for the provided key time already exists the key is replaced.

  • curve_id (AnimationCurveIdentifier) – Identifier for the curve for which the key is to be set

  • key (RichCurveKey) – Key to be set

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the curve key was successfully set

Return type:


set_curve_keys(curve_id, curve_keys, should_transact=True) bool

Replace the keys for the curve with provided identifier and name. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveChanged notify if successful.

  • curve_id (AnimationCurveIdentifier) – Identifier for the curve for which the keys are to be replaced

  • curve_keys (Array[RichCurveKey]) – Keys with which the existing keys are to be replaced

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not replacing curve keys was successful

Return type:


set_frame_rate(frame_rate, should_transact=True) None

Sets the frame rate according to which the bone animation is expected to be sampled. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::FrameRateChanged notify if successful. The number of frames and keys for the provided frame rate is recalculated according to the current value of UAnimDataModel::PlayLength.

  • frame_rate (FrameRate) – The new sampling frame rate, has to be positive and non-zero

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated

set_model(model) None

Sets the AnimDataModel instance this controller is supposed to be targeting


model (AnimationDataModel) – IAnimationDataModel instance to target

set_number_of_frames(new_length_in_frames, should_transact=True) None

Sets the total play-able length in seconds. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::SequenceLengthChanged notify if successful. The number of frames and keys for the provided length is recalculated according to the current value of UAnimDataModel::FrameRate.

  • new_length_in_frames (FrameNumber) – Total new play-able number of frames value (according to frame rate), has to be positive and non-zero

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated

set_play_length(length, should_transact=True) None

Set Play Length deprecated: SetPlayLength is deprecated use SetNumberOfFrames instead.

  • length (float) –

  • should_transact (bool) –

set_transform_curve_key(curve_id, time, value, should_transact=True) bool

Sets a single key for the transform curve with provided identifier. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveChanged notify if successful. In case a key for any of the individual transform channel curves already exists the value is replaced.

  • curve_id (AnimationCurveIdentifier) – Identifier for the transform curve for which the key is to be set

  • time (float) – Time of the key to be set

  • value (Transform) – Value of the key to be set

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the transform curve key was successfully set

Return type:


set_transform_curve_keys(curve_id, transform_values, time_keys, should_transact=True) bool

Replace the keys for the transform curve with provided identifier. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveChanged notify if successful.

  • curve_id (AnimationCurveIdentifier) – Identifier for the transform curve for which the keys are to be set

  • transform_values (Array[Transform]) – Transform Values with which the existing values are to be replaced

  • time_keys (Array[float]) – Time Keys with which the existing keys are to be replaced

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated


Whether or not the transform curve keys were successfully set

Return type:


update_curve_names_from_skeleton(skeleton, supported_curve_type, should_transact=True) None

Updates the display name values for any stored curve, with the names being retrieved from the provided skeleton. Broadcasts a EAnimDataModelNotifyType::CurveRenamed for each to-be-updated curve name, wrapped within BracketOpened/BracketClosed notifies.

  • skeleton (Skeleton) – Skeleton to retrieve the display name values from

  • supported_curve_type (RawCurveTrackTypes) – Curve type for which the names should be updated

  • should_transact (bool) – Whether or not any undo-redo changes should be generated