- class unreal.AnimPoseExtensions(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')¶
Script exposed functionality for populating, retrieving data from and setting data on FAnimPose
C++ Source:
Module: AnimationBlueprintLibrary
File: AnimPose.h
- classmethod evaluate_animation_blueprint_with_input_pose(input_pose, target_skeletal_mesh, animation_blueprint) AnimPose ¶
Evaluates an Animation Blueprint instance, using the provided Anim Pose and its Input Pose value, generating a valid Anim Pose using the result. Warning this function may cause performance issues.
- Parameters:
input_pose (AnimPose) – Anim Pose used to populate the input pose node value inside of the Animation Blueprint
target_skeletal_mesh (SkeletalMesh) – USkeletalMesh object used as the target skeletal mesh, should have same USkeleton as InputPose and Animation Blueprint
animation_blueprint (AnimBlueprint) – Animation Blueprint to generate an AnimInstance with, used to evaluate the output Anim Pose
- Returns:
out_pose (AnimPose): Anim pose to hold the data from evaluating the Animation Blueprint instance
- Return type:
- classmethod get_anim_pose_at_frame(animation_sequence_base, frame_index, evaluation_options) AnimPose ¶
Evaluates an Animation Sequence Base to generate a valid Anim Pose instance
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) – Animation sequence base to evaluate the pose from
frame_index (int32) – Exact frame at which the pose should be evaluated
evaluation_options (AnimPoseEvaluationOptions) – Options determining the way the pose should be evaluated
- Returns:
pose (AnimPose): Anim Pose to hold the evaluated data
- Return type:
- classmethod get_anim_pose_at_time(animation_sequence_base, time, evaluation_options) AnimPose ¶
Evaluates an Animation Sequence Base to generate a valid Anim Pose instance
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) – Animation sequence base to evaluate the pose from
time (double) – Time at which the pose should be evaluated
evaluation_options (AnimPoseEvaluationOptions) – Options determining the way the pose should be evaluated
- Returns:
pose (AnimPose): Anim Pose to hold the evaluated data
- Return type:
- classmethod get_bone_pose(pose, bone_name, space=AnimPoseSpaces.LOCAL) Transform ¶
Retrieves the transform for the provided bone name from a pose
- Parameters:
pose (AnimPose) – Anim Pose to retrieve the transform from
bone_name (Name) – Name of the bone to retrieve
space (AnimPoseSpaces) – Space in which the transform should be retrieved
- Returns:
Transform in requested space for bone if found, otherwise return identity transform
- Return type:
- classmethod get_curve_names(pose) Array[Name] ¶
Returns an array of curve names contained by the pose
- classmethod get_curve_weight(pose, curve_name) float ¶
Returns the weight of an evaluated curve - if found
- classmethod get_ref_bone_pose(pose, bone_name, space=AnimPoseSpaces.LOCAL) Transform ¶
Retrieves the reference pose transform for the provided bone name
- Parameters:
pose (AnimPose) – Anim Pose to retrieve the transform from
bone_name (Name) – Name of the bone to retrieve
space (AnimPoseSpaces) – Space in which the transform should be retrieved
- Returns:
Transform in requested space for bone if found, otherwise return identity transform
- Return type:
- classmethod get_ref_pose_relative_transform(pose, from_bone_name, to_bone_name, space=AnimPoseSpaces.LOCAL) Transform ¶
Retrieves the relative transform for the reference pose between the two provided bone names
- Parameters:
pose (AnimPose) – Anim Pose to retrieve the transform from
from_bone_name (Name) – Name of the bone to retrieve the transform relative from
to_bone_name (Name) – Name of the bone to retrieve the transform relative to
space (AnimPoseSpaces) – Space in which the transform should be retrieved
- Returns:
Relative transform in requested space for bone if found, otherwise return identity transform
- Return type:
- classmethod get_reference_pose(skeleton) AnimPose ¶
Populates an Anim Pose with the reference poses stored for the provided USkeleton
- classmethod get_relative_to_ref_pose_transform(pose, bone_name, space=AnimPoseSpaces.LOCAL) Transform ¶
Retrieves the relative transform between reference and animated bone transform
- Parameters:
pose (AnimPose) – Anim Pose to retrieve the transform from
bone_name (Name) – Name of the bone to retrieve the relative transform for
space (AnimPoseSpaces) – Space in which the transform should be retrieved
- Returns:
Relative transform in requested space for bone if found, otherwise return identity transform
- Return type:
- classmethod get_relative_transform(pose, from_bone_name, to_bone_name, space=AnimPoseSpaces.LOCAL) Transform ¶
Retrieves the relative transform between the two provided bone names
- Parameters:
pose (AnimPose) – Anim Pose to retrieve the transform from
from_bone_name (Name) – Name of the bone to retrieve the transform relative from
to_bone_name (Name) – Name of the bone to retrieve the transform relative to
space (AnimPoseSpaces) – Space in which the transform should be retrieved
- Returns:
Relative transform in requested space for bone if found, otherwise return identity transform
- Return type:
- classmethod set_bone_pose(pose, transform, bone_name, space=AnimPoseSpaces.LOCAL) AnimPose ¶
Sets the transform for the provided bone name for a pose
- Parameters:
pose (AnimPose) – Anim Pose to set transform in
transform (Transform) – Transform to set the bone to
bone_name (Name) – Name of the bone to set
space (AnimPoseSpaces) – Space in which the transform should be set
- Returns:
pose (AnimPose): Anim Pose to set transform in
- Return type: