
class unreal.AnimNotifyState_TimedNiagaraEffect(outer: Optional[Object] = None, name: Union[Name, str] = 'None')

Bases: AnimNotifyState

Timed Niagara Effect Notify Allows a looping Niagara effect to be played in an animation that will activate at the beginning of the notify and deactivate at the end.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Niagara

  • Module: NiagaraAnimNotifies

  • File: AnimNotifyState_TimedNiagaraEffect.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • destroy_at_end (bool): [Read-Write] Destroy at End: Whether the Niagara system should be immediately destroyed at the end of the notify state or be allowed to finish

  • location_offset (Vector): [Read-Write] Location Offset: Offset from the socket or bone to place the Niagara system

  • notify_color (Color): [Read-Write] Notify Color: Color of Notify in editor

  • rotation_offset (Rotator): [Read-Write] Rotation Offset: Rotation offset from the socket or bone for the Niagara system

  • should_fire_in_editor (bool): [Read-Write] Should Fire in Editor: Whether this notify state instance should fire in animation editors

  • socket_name (Name): [Read-Write] Socket Name: The socket or bone to attach the system to

  • template (NiagaraSystem): [Read-Write] Template: The niagara system to spawn for the notify state

get_spawned_effect(mesh_comp) FXSystemComponent

Return FXSystemComponent created from SpawnEffect


mesh_comp (MeshComponent) –

Return type:
