
class unreal.AnimNode_SlopeWarping(component_pose: ComponentSpacePoseLink = [], lod_threshold: int = 0, alpha_input_type: AnimAlphaInputType = Ellipsis, alpha_bool_enabled: bool = False, alpha: float = 0.0, alpha_scale_bias: InputScaleBias = Ellipsis, alpha_bool_blend: InputAlphaBoolBlend = Ellipsis, alpha_curve_name: Name = 'None', alpha_scale_bias_clamp: InputScaleBiasClamp = Ellipsis)

Bases: AnimNode_SkeletalControlBase

Anim Node Slope Warping

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: AnimationWarping

  • Module: AnimationWarpingRuntime

  • File: AnimNode_SlopeWarping.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • alpha (float): [Read-Write] Current strength of the skeletal control

  • alpha_bool_blend (InputAlphaBoolBlend): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_bool_enabled (bool): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_curve_name (Name): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_input_type (AnimAlphaInputType): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_scale_bias (InputScaleBias): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_scale_bias_clamp (InputScaleBiasClamp): [Read-Write]

  • component_pose (ComponentSpacePoseLink): [Read-Write] Input link

  • custom_floor_offset (Vector): [Read-Write]

  • feet_definitions (Array[SlopeWarpingFootDefinition]): [Read-Write]

  • floor_normal_interpolator (VectorRK4SpringInterpolator): [Read-Write]

  • floor_offset_interpolator (VectorRK4SpringInterpolator): [Read-Write]

  • gravity_dir (Vector): [Read-Write]

  • ik_foot_root_bone (BoneReference): [Read-Write] IKFoot Root Bone. *

  • keep_mesh_inside_of_capsule (bool): [Read-Write]

  • lod_threshold (int32): [Read-Write] * Max LOD that this node is allowed to run * For example if you have LODThreadhold to be 2, it will run until LOD 2 (based on 0 index) * when the component LOD becomes 3, it will stop update/evaluate * currently transition would be issue and that has to be re-visited

  • max_step_height (float): [Read-Write]

  • pelvis_bone (BoneReference): [Read-Write] Pelvis Bone. *

  • pelvis_offset_interpolator (VectorRK4SpringInterpolator): [Read-Write]

  • pull_pelvis_down (bool): [Read-Write]

  • use_custom_floor_offset (bool): [Read-Write]