
class unreal.AnimNode_PoseDriver(blend_weight: float = 0.0, internal_time_accumulator: float = 0.0, pose_asset: PoseAsset = Ellipsis, source_pose: PoseLink = [])

Bases: AnimNode_PoseHandler

RBF based orientation driver

C++ Source:

  • Module: AnimGraphRuntime

  • File: AnimNode_PoseDriver.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • blend_weight (float): [Read-Write] Blend Weight: Last encountered blendweight for this node

  • drive_output (PoseDriverOutput): [Read-Write] Drive Output: Whether we should drive poses or curves

  • drive_source (PoseDriverSource): [Read-Write] Drive Source: Which part of the transform is read

  • eval_from_ref_pose (bool): [Read-Write] Eval from Ref Pose: Evaluate SourceBone transform relative from its Reference Pose. This is recommended when using Swing and Twist Angle as Distance Method, since the twist will be computed from RefPose.

    If not specified, we just use local space of SourceBone (ie relative to parent bone) This mode won’t work in conjunction with EvalSpaceBone;

  • eval_space_bone (BoneReference): [Read-Write] Eval Space Bone: Optional other bone space to use when reading SourceBone transform. If not specified, we just use local space of SourceBone (ie relative to parent bone)

  • internal_time_accumulator (float): [Read-Write] Internal Time Accumulator: Accumulated time used to reference the asset in this node

  • lod_threshold (int32): [Read-Write] LODThreshold: * Max LOD that this node is allowed to run * For example if you have LODThreadhold to be 2, it will run until LOD 2 (based on 0 index) * when the component LOD becomes 3, it will stop update/evaluate * currently transition would be issue and that has to be re-visited

  • only_drive_bones (Array[BoneReference]): [Read-Write] Only Drive Bones: If bFilterDrivenBones is specified, only these bones will be modified by this node

  • only_drive_selected_bones (bool): [Read-Write] Only Drive Selected Bones: If we should filter bones to be driven using the DrivenBonesFilter array

  • pose_asset (PoseAsset): [Read-Write] Pose Asset: The animation sequence asset to evaluate

  • pose_targets (Array[PoseDriverTarget]): [Read-Write] Pose Targets: Targets used to compare with current pose and drive morphs/poses

  • rbf_params (RBFParams): [Read-Write] RBFParams: Parameters used by RBF solver

  • source_bones (Array[BoneReference]): [Read-Write] Source Bones: Bone to use for driving parameters based on its orientation

  • source_pose (PoseLink): [Read-Write] Source Pose: Bones to use for driving parameters based on their transform

property source_pose: PoseLink

[Read-Write] Source Pose: Bones to use for driving parameters based on their transform

