
class unreal.AnimNode_OrientationWarping(component_pose: ComponentSpacePoseLink = [], lod_threshold: int = 0, alpha_input_type: AnimAlphaInputType = Ellipsis, alpha_bool_enabled: bool = False, alpha: float = 0.0, alpha_scale_bias: InputScaleBias = Ellipsis, alpha_bool_blend: InputAlphaBoolBlend = Ellipsis, alpha_curve_name: Name = 'None', alpha_scale_bias_clamp: InputScaleBiasClamp = Ellipsis, orientation_angle: float = 0.0, locomotion_angle: float = 0.0, min_root_motion_speed_threshold: float = 0.0, locomotion_angle_delta_threshold: float = 0.0)

Bases: AnimNode_SkeletalControlBase

Anim Node Orientation Warping

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: AnimationWarping

  • Module: AnimationWarpingRuntime

  • File: AnimNode_OrientationWarping.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • alpha (float): [Read-Write] Current strength of the skeletal control

  • alpha_bool_blend (InputAlphaBoolBlend): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_bool_enabled (bool): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_curve_name (Name): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_input_type (AnimAlphaInputType): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_scale_bias (InputScaleBias): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_scale_bias_clamp (InputScaleBiasClamp): [Read-Write]

  • component_pose (ComponentSpacePoseLink): [Read-Write] Input link

  • debug_draw_scale (float): [Read-Write] Scale all debug drawing visualization by a factor

  • distributed_bone_orientation_alpha (float): [Read-Write] Specifies how much rotation is applied to the character body versus IK feet

  • enable_debug_draw (bool): [Read-Write] Enable/Disable orientation warping debug drawing

  • ik_foot_bones (Array[BoneReference]): [Read-Write] IK Foot definitions

  • ik_foot_root_bone (BoneReference): [Read-Write] IK Foot Root Bone definition

  • locomotion_angle (float): [Read-Write] The character locomotion angle (in degrees) relative to the specified RotationAxis This will be used in the following equation for computing the orientation angle: [Orientation = RotationBetween(RootMotionDirection, LocomotionDirection)]

  • locomotion_angle_delta_threshold (float): [Read-Write] Specifies an angle threshold to prevent erroneous over-rotation of the character, disabled with a value of 0

    When the effective orientation warping angle is detected to be greater than this value (default: 90 degrees) the locomotion direction will be inverted prior to warping This will be used in the following equation: [Orientation = RotationBetween(RootMotionDirection, -LocomotionDirection)]

    Example: Playing a forward running animation while the motion is going backward Rather than orientation warping by 180 degrees, the system will warp by 0 degrees

  • lod_threshold (int32): [Read-Write] * Max LOD that this node is allowed to run * For example if you have LODThreshold to be 2, it will run until LOD 2 (based on 0 index) * when the component LOD becomes 3, it will stop update/evaluate * currently transition would be issue and that has to be re-visited

  • max_offset_angle (float): [Read-Write]

  • min_root_motion_speed_threshold (float): [Read-Write] Minimum root motion speed required to apply orientation warping This is useful to prevent unnatural re-orientation when the animation has a portion with no root motion (i.e starts/stops/idles) When this value is greater than 0, it’s recommended to enable interpolation with RotationInterpSpeed > 0

  • mode (WarpingEvaluationMode): [Read-Write] Orientation warping evaluation mode (Graph or Manual)

  • offset_alpha (float): [Read-Write]

  • orientation_angle (float): [Read-Write] The desired orientation angle (in degrees) to warp by relative to the specified RotationAxis

  • rotation_axis (AxisType): [Read-Write] Rotation axis used when rotating the character body

  • rotation_interp_speed (float): [Read-Write] Specifies the interpolation speed (in Alpha per second) towards reaching the final warped rotation angle A value of 0 will cause instantaneous rotation, while a greater value will introduce smoothing

  • spine_bones (Array[BoneReference]): [Read-Write] Spine bone definitions Used to counter rotate the body in order to keep the character facing forward The amount of counter rotation applied is driven by DistributedBoneOrientationAlpha

  • warping_alpha (float): [Read-Write]

property locomotion_angle: float

[Read-Write] The character locomotion angle (in degrees) relative to the specified RotationAxis This will be used in the following equation for computing the orientation angle: [Orientation = RotationBetween(RootMotionDirection, LocomotionDirection)]



property locomotion_angle_delta_threshold: float

[Read-Write] Specifies an angle threshold to prevent erroneous over-rotation of the character, disabled with a value of 0

When the effective orientation warping angle is detected to be greater than this value (default: 90 degrees) the locomotion direction will be inverted prior to warping This will be used in the following equation: [Orientation = RotationBetween(RootMotionDirection, -LocomotionDirection)]

Example: Playing a forward running animation while the motion is going backward Rather than orientation warping by 180 degrees, the system will warp by 0 degrees



property min_root_motion_speed_threshold: float

[Read-Write] Minimum root motion speed required to apply orientation warping This is useful to prevent unnatural re-orientation when the animation has a portion with no root motion (i.e starts/stops/idles) When this value is greater than 0, it’s recommended to enable interpolation with RotationInterpSpeed > 0



property orientation_angle: float

[Read-Write] The desired orientation angle (in degrees) to warp by relative to the specified RotationAxis

