
class unreal.AnimNode_DeadBlending

Bases: AnimNode_Base

Dead Blending Node

Dead blending is an alternative method of inertialization that extrapolates the animation being transitioned from forward in time and then performs a normal cross-fade blend between this extrapolated animation and the new animation being transitioned to.

For more background see: https://theorangeduck.com/page/dead-blending

This node works by extrapolating forward the animation being transition from using the animation’s velocities at the point of transition, with an exponential decay which reduces those velocities over time to avoid the pose becoming invalid.

The rate of this decay is set automatically based on how much the velocities of the animation being transitioned from are moving toward the pose of the animation being transitioned to. If they are moving in the wrong direction or too quickly they will have a larger decay rate, while if they are in the correct direction and moving slowly relative to the difference they will have a smaller decay rate.

These decay rates can be controlled by the ExtrapolationHalfLife, ExtrapolationHalfLifeMin and ExtrapolationHalfLifeMax parameters, which specify the approximate average, min, and max decay periods. More specifically they specify the “half-life” - or how it takes for the velocities to be decayed by half.

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: AnimNode_DeadBlending.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • always_use_default_blend_settings (bool): [Read-Write] When enabled, the default blend settings will always be used rather than those coming from the inertialization request.

  • blend_time_multiplier (float): [Read-Write] Multiplier that can be used to scale the overall blend durations coming from inertialization requests.

  • default_blend_duration (float): [Read-Write] The default blend duration to use when “Always Use Default Blend Settings” is set to true.

  • default_blend_mode (AlphaBlendOption): [Read-Write] Default blend mode to use when no blend mode is supplied with the inertialization request.

  • default_blend_profile (BlendProfile): [Read-Write] Default blend profile to use when no blend profile is supplied with the inertialization request.

  • default_custom_blend_curve (CurveFloat): [Read-Write] Default custom blend curve to use along with the default blend mode.

  • extrapolation_half_life (float): [Read-Write] The average half-life of decay in seconds to use when extrapolating the animation. To get the final half-life of decay, this value will be scaled by the amount to which the velocities of the animation being transitioned from are moving toward the animation being transitioned to.

  • extrapolation_half_life_max (float): [Read-Write] The maximum half-life of decay in seconds to use when extrapolating the animation. This will dictate the longest decay duration possible when velocities of the animation being transitioned from are small and moving towards the animation being transitioned to.

  • extrapolation_half_life_min (float): [Read-Write] The minimum half-life of decay in seconds to use when extrapolating the animation. This will be used when the velocities of the animation being transitioned from are very small or moving away from the animation being transitioned to.

  • filtered_bones (Array[BoneReference]): [Read-Write] List of bones that should not use inertial blending. These bones will change instantly when the animation switches.

  • filtered_curves (Array[Name]): [Read-Write] List of curves that should not use inertial blending. These curves will change instantly when the animation switches.

  • linearly_interpolate_scales (bool): [Read-Write] When enabled, bone scales will be linearly interpolated. This is slightly more performant and consistent with the rest of Unreal but visually gives the appearance of the rate of change of scale being affected by the overall size of the bone.

  • maximum_curve_velocity (float): [Read-Write] The maximum velocity to allow for extrapolation of curves. Smaller values may help prevent extreme curve values during blending but too small values can make the blending of curves less smooth.

  • maximum_rotation_velocity (float): [Read-Write] The maximum velocity to allow for extrapolation of bone rotations in degrees per second. Smaller values may help prevent the pose breaking during blending but too small values can make the blend less smooth.

  • maximum_scale_velocity (float): [Read-Write] The maximum velocity to allow for extrapolation of bone scales. Smaller values may help prevent the pose breaking during blending but too small values can make the blend less smooth.

  • maximum_translation_velocity (float): [Read-Write] The maximum velocity to allow for extrapolation of bone translations in centimeters per second. Smaller values may help prevent the pose breaking during blending but too small values can make the blend less smooth.

  • preallocate_memory (bool): [Read-Write] Enable this to pre-allocate memory for the node rather than to allocate and deallocate memory when blending becomes active and inactive. This improves performance, but causes larger memory usage, in particular when you have multiple Dead Blending nodes in an animation graph that are not all used at once.

  • show_extrapolations (bool): [Read-Write] This setting can be used to show what the extrapolation of the animation looks like.

  • source (PoseLink): [Read-Write] Input Pose