
class unreal.AnimNode_AimOffsetLookAt(ignore_for_relevancy_test=False, blend_weight=0.0, internal_time_accumulator=0.0, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0, play_rate=1.0, loop=True, reset_play_time_when_blend_space_changes=True, start_position=0.0, blend_space=None, base_pose=[], lod_threshold=- 1, source_socket_name='None', pivot_socket_name='None', look_at_location=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], socket_axis=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], alpha=1.0)

Bases: unreal.AnimNode_BlendSpacePlayer

This node uses a source transform of a socket on the skeletal mesh to automatically calculate Yaw and Pitch directions for a referenced aim offset given a point in the world to look at.

C++ Source:

  • Module: AnimGraphRuntime

  • File: AnimNode_AimOffsetLookAt.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • alpha (float): [Read-Write] Amount of this node to blend into the output pose

  • base_pose (PoseLink): [Read-Write] Base Pose

  • blend_space (BlendSpaceBase): [Read-Write] The blendspace asset to play

  • blend_weight (float): [Read-Write] Last encountered blendweight for this node

  • ignore_for_relevancy_test (bool): [Read-Write] If true, “Relevant anim” nodes that look for the highest weighted animation in a state will ignore this node

  • internal_time_accumulator (float): [Read-Write] Accumulated time used to reference the asset in this node

  • lod_threshold (int32): [Read-Write] * Max LOD that this node is allowed to run * For example if you have LODThreadhold to be 2, it will run until LOD 2 (based on 0 index) * when the component LOD becomes 3, it will stop update/evaluate * currently transition would be issue and that has to be re-visited

  • look_at_location (Vector): [Read-Write] Location, in world space to look at

  • loop (bool): [Read-Write] Should the animation continue looping when it reaches the end?

  • pivot_socket_name (Name): [Read-Write] Socket to treat as the look at pivot (optional). This will overwrite the translation of the source socket transform to better match the lookat direction

  • play_rate (float): [Read-Write] The play rate multiplier. Can be negative, which will cause the animation to play in reverse.

  • reset_play_time_when_blend_space_changes (bool): [Read-Write] Whether we should reset the current play time when the blend space changes

  • socket_axis (Vector): [Read-Write] Axis in the socket transform to consider the ‘forward’ or look at axis

  • source_socket_name (Name): [Read-Write] Socket to treat as the look at source

  • start_position (float): [Read-Write] The start up position in [0, 1], it only applies when reinitialized if you loop, it will still start from 0.f after finishing the round

  • x (float): [Read-Write] The X coordinate to sample in the blendspace

  • y (float): [Read-Write] The Y coordinate to sample in the blendspace

  • z (float): [Read-Write] The Z coordinate to sample in the blendspace

property alpha

[Read-Write] Amount of this node to blend into the output pose



property base_pose

[Read-Write] Base Pose



property lod_threshold

[Read-Write] * Max LOD that this node is allowed to run * For example if you have LODThreadhold to be 2, it will run until LOD 2 (based on 0 index) * when the component LOD becomes 3, it will stop update/evaluate * currently transition would be issue and that has to be re-visited



property look_at_location

[Read-Write] Location, in world space to look at



property pivot_socket_name

[Read-Write] Socket to treat as the look at pivot (optional). This will overwrite the translation of the source socket transform to better match the lookat direction



property socket_axis

[Read-Write] Axis in the socket transform to consider the ‘forward’ or look at axis



property source_socket_name

[Read-Write] Socket to treat as the look at source

