
class unreal.AnimLegIKDefinition

Bases: StructBase

Per foot definitions

C++ Source:

  • Module: AnimGraphRuntime

  • File: AnimNode_LegIK.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • enable_knee_twist_correction (bool): [Read-Write] Enable Knee Twist correction, by comparing Foot FK with Foot IK orientation.

  • enable_rotation_limit (bool): [Read-Write] If enabled, we prevent the leg from bending backwards and enforce a min compression angle

  • fk_foot_bone (BoneReference): [Read-Write]

  • foot_bone_forward_axis (AxisType): [Read-Write] Forward Axis for Foot bone.

  • hinge_rotation_axis (AxisType): [Read-Write] Hinge Bones Rotation Axis. This is essentially the plane normal for (hip - knee - foot).

  • ik_foot_bone (BoneReference): [Read-Write]

  • min_rotation_angle (float): [Read-Write] Only used if bEnableRotationLimit is enabled. Prevents the leg from folding onto itself, and forces at least this angle between Parent and Child bone.

  • num_bones_in_limb (int32): [Read-Write]