- class unreal.AnimGraphLibrary(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')¶
A library of the most common animation blueprint functions.
C++ Source:
Module: AnimGraphRuntime
File: KismetAnimationLibrary.h
- classmethod calculate_direction(velocity, base_rotation) float ¶
Returns degree of the angle between Velocity and Rotation forward vector The range of return will be from [-180, 180]. Useful for feeding directional blendspaces.
- classmethod calculate_velocity_from_position_history(delta_seconds, position, history, number_of_samples=16, velocity_min=0.000000, velocity_max=128.000000) -> (float, history=PositionHistory)¶
This function calculates the velocity of a position changing over time. You need to hook up a valid PositionHistory variable to this for storage.
- Parameters:
delta_seconds (float) – The time passed in seconds
position (Vector) – The position to track over time.
history (PositionHistory) – The history to use for storage.
number_of_samples (int32) – The number of samples to use for the history. The higher the number of samples - the smoother the velocity changes.
velocity_min (float) – The minimum velocity to use for normalization (if both min and max are set to 0, normalization is turned off)
velocity_max (float) – The maximum velocity to use for normalization (if both min and max are set to 0, normalization is turned off)
- Returns:
history (PositionHistory): The history to use for storage.
- Return type:
- classmethod calculate_velocity_from_sockets(delta_seconds, component, socket_or_bone_name, reference_socket_or_bone, socket_space, offset_in_bone_space, history, number_of_samples=16, velocity_min=0.000000, velocity_max=128.000000, easing_type, custom_curve) -> (float, history=PositionHistory)¶
This function calculates the velocity of an offset position on a bone / socket over time. The bone’s / socket’s motion can be expressed within a reference frame (another bone / socket). You need to hook up a valid PositionHistory variable to this for storage.
- Parameters:
delta_seconds (float) – The time passed in seconds
component (SkeletalMeshComponent) – The skeletal component to look for the bones / sockets
socket_or_bone_name (Name) – The name of the bone / socket to track.
reference_socket_or_bone (Name) – The name of the bone / socket to use as a frame of reference (or None if no frame of reference == world space).
socket_space (RelativeTransformSpace) – The space to use for the two sockets / bones
offset_in_bone_space (Vector) – The relative position in the space of the bone / socket to track over time.
history (PositionHistory) – The history to use for storage.
number_of_samples (int32) – The number of samples to use for the history. The higher the number of samples - the smoother the velocity changes.
velocity_min (float) – The minimum velocity to use for normalization (if both min and max are set to 0, normalization is turned off)
velocity_max (float) – The maximum velocity to use for normalization (if both min and max are set to 0, normalization is turned off)
easing_type (EasingFuncType) – The easing function to use
custom_curve (RuntimeFloatCurve) – The curve to use if the easing type is “Custom”
- Returns:
history (PositionHistory): The history to use for storage.
- Return type:
- classmethod direction_between_sockets(component, socket_or_bone_name_from, socket_or_bone_name_to) Vector ¶
Computes the direction between two bones / sockets.
- Parameters:
component (SkeletalMeshComponent) – The skeletal component to look for the sockets / bones within
socket_or_bone_name_from (Name) – The name of the first socket / bone
socket_or_bone_name_to (Name) – The name of the second socket / bone
- Return type:
- classmethod distance_between_sockets(component, socket_or_bone_name_a, socket_space_a, socket_or_bone_name_b, socket_space_b, remap_range=False, range_min, range_max, out_range_min, out_range_max) float ¶
Computes the distance between two bones / sockets and can remap the range.
- Parameters:
component (SkeletalMeshComponent) – The skeletal component to look for the sockets / bones within
socket_or_bone_name_a (Name) – The name of the first socket / bone
socket_space_a (RelativeTransformSpace) – The space for the first socket / bone
socket_or_bone_name_b (Name) – The name of the second socket / bone
socket_space_b (RelativeTransformSpace) – The space for the second socket / bone
remap_range (bool) – If set to true, the distance will be remapped using the range parameters
range_min (float) – The minimum for the input range (commonly == 0.0)
range_max (float) – The maximum for the input range (the max expected distance)
out_range_min (float) – The minimum for the output range (commonly == 0.0)
out_range_max (float) – The maximum for the output range (commonly == 1.0)
- Return type:
- classmethod k2_end_profiling_timer(log=True, log_prefix='') float ¶
This function ends measuring a profiling bracket and optionally logs the result result: The time spent in milliseconds
- classmethod k2_start_profiling_timer() None ¶
This function starts measuring the time for a profiling bracket
- classmethod look_at(current_transform, target_position, look_at_vector, use_up_vector=False, up_vector, clamp_cone_in_degree) Transform ¶
Computes the transform which is “looking” at target position with a local axis.
- Parameters:
current_transform (Transform) – The input transform to modify
target_position (Vector) – The position this transform should look at
look_at_vector (Vector) – The local vector to align with the target
use_up_vector (bool) – If set to true the lookat will also perform a twist rotation
up_vector (Vector) – The position to use for the upvector target (only used is bUseUpVector is turned on)
clamp_cone_in_degree (float) – A limit for only allowing the lookat to rotate as much as defined by the float value
- Return type:
- classmethod make_float_from_perlin_noise(value, range_out_min, range_out_max) float ¶
This function creates perlin noise for a single float and then range map to RangeOut
- classmethod make_vector_from_perlin_noise(x, y, z, range_out_min_x=-1.000000, range_out_max_x=1.000000, range_out_min_y=-1.000000, range_out_max_y=1.000000, range_out_min_z=-1.000000, range_out_max_z=1.000000) Vector ¶
This function creates perlin noise from input X, Y, Z, and then range map to RangeOut, and out put to OutX, OutY, OutZ
- Parameters:
x (float) – The x component for the input position of the noise
y (float) – The y component for the input position of the noise
z (float) – The z component for the input position of the noise
range_out_min_x (float) – The minimum for the output range for the x component
range_out_max_x (float) – The maximum for the output range for the x component
range_out_min_y (float) – The minimum for the output range for the y component
range_out_max_y (float) – The maximum for the output range for the y component
range_out_min_z (float) – The minimum for the output range for the z component
range_out_max_z (float) – The maximum for the output range for the z component
- Return type:
- classmethod two_bone_ik(root_pos, joint_pos, end_pos, joint_target, effector, allow_stretching=False, start_stretch_ratio=1.000000, max_stretch_scale=1.200000) -> (out_joint_pos=Vector, out_end_pos=Vector)¶
Computes the transform for two bones using inverse kinematics.
- Parameters:
root_pos (Vector) – The input root position of the two bone chain
joint_pos (Vector) – The input center (elbow) position of the two bone chain
end_pos (Vector) – The input end (wrist) position of the two bone chain
joint_target (Vector) – The IK target for the write to reach
effector (Vector) – The position of the target effector for the IK Chain.
allow_stretching (bool) – If set to true the bones are allowed to stretch
start_stretch_ratio (float) – The ratio at which the bones should start to stretch. The higher the value, the later the stretching wil start.
max_stretch_scale (float) – The maximum multiplier for the stretch to reach.
- Returns:
out_joint_pos (Vector): The resulting position for the center (elbow)
out_end_pos (Vector): The resulting position for the end (wrist)
- Return type: