
class unreal.ActorComponentTickFunction

Bases: TickFunction

Tick function that calls UActorComponent::ConditionalTick

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: EngineBaseTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • allow_tick_on_dedicated_server (bool): [Read-Write] Allow Tick on Dedicated Server: If we allow this tick to run on a dedicated server

  • end_tick_group (TickingGroup): [Read-Write] End Tick Group: Defines the tick group that this tick function must finish in. These groups determine the relative order of when objects tick during a frame update. see: ETickingGroup

  • start_with_tick_enabled (bool): [Read-Write] Start with Tick Enabled: If true, this tick function will start enabled, but can be disabled later on.

  • tick_even_when_paused (bool): [Read-Write] Tick Even when Paused: Bool indicating that this function should execute even if the game is paused. Pause ticks are very limited in capabilities. *

  • tick_group (TickingGroup): [Read-Write] Tick Group: Defines the minimum tick group for this tick function. These groups determine the relative order of when objects tick during a frame update. Given prerequisites, the tick may be delayed. see: ETickingGroup see: FTickFunction::AddPrerequisite()

  • tick_interval (float): [Read-Write] Tick Interval: The frequency in seconds at which this tick function will be executed. If less than or equal to 0 then it will tick every frame