
class unreal.AISense_Prediction(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.AISense

AISense Prediction

C++ Source:

  • Module: AIModule

  • File: AISense_Prediction.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • auto_register_all_pawns_as_sources (bool): [Read-Write] If true all newly spawned pawns will get auto registered as source for this sense.

  • default_expiration_age (float): [Read-Only] age past which stimulus of this sense are “forgotten”. (DEPRECATED: This property will be removed in future versions. Use AISenseConfig::MaxAge instead.)

  • notify_type (AISenseNotifyType): [Read-Write] Notify Type

  • wants_new_pawn_notification (bool): [Read-Write] whether this sense is interested in getting notified about new Pawns being spawned

    this can be used for example for automated sense sources registration

classmethod request_controller_prediction_event(requestor, predicted_actor, prediction_time)None
Asks perception system to supply Requestor with PredictedActor’s predicted location in PredictionTime seconds

Location is being predicted based on PredicterActor’s current location and velocity

classmethod request_pawn_prediction_event(requestor, predicted_actor, prediction_time)None
Asks perception system to supply Requestor with PredictedActor’s predicted location in PredictionTime seconds

Location is being predicted based on PredicterActor’s current location and velocity

  • requestor (Pawn) –

  • predicted_actor (Actor) –

  • prediction_time (float) –