How to install the Datasmith Exporter for Rhino
Before you can begin exporting your Rhino content to Unreal Engine 4, you will need to install the Unreal Datasmith Exporter for Rhino.
To see what versions of Rhino the plugin supports, see Datasmith Supported Software and File Types.
We encourage you to share the download link to the Datasmith Exporter plugins with any number of people, both inside and outside of your organization. Please note that you are not permitted to distribute the Datasmith Exporter plugins themselves.
Installing the Datasmith Exporter for Rhino
Installing the Datasmith Exporter for Rhino Follow the steps below to install the Datasmith Exporter plugin for any supported version of Rhino that you have installed on your computer:
Close any running instances of Rhino on your machine. If any instances are currently running on your machine, the installation will fail.
If you already have an older version of the Datasmith Exporter plugin, we recommend uninstalling it first before proceeding. For details, see Removing the Datasmith Exporter for Rhino on this page.
Download the Exporter plugin installer from the Datasmith Exporter Plugins download page.
When the download is complete, navigate to the location of the file and run the installer.
Follow the on-screen instructions and accept the license agreement to continue.
The installer automatically detects which versions of Rhino are installed on your system. Check the box for each version you want to use to be able to export to Datasmith, and click Install.
End Result
With the Datasmith Exporter plugin installed, you can now export scenes from Rhino as a .udatasmith
file. See Exporting Datasmith Content from Rhino.
Removing the Datasmith Exporter for Rhino
Use the standard control panel utilities for your system to find and remove the Unreal Datasmith Exporter for Rhino application.
For example, on Windows 10, you can use the Apps & Features section of the Control Panel:

Click the entry for your Datasmith Exporter plugin in the list, then click Uninstall.
Or, use the Uninstall or change a program section in the Control Panel. Right-click the entry for your Datasmith exporter plugin, and choose Uninstall from the context menu: