As of Unreal Engine 4.24, you can no longer access the Matinee Editor from the Cinematics Menu and Details Panel. This is part of the transition to remove Matinee from UE4 completely in 4.25. You can still convert Matinee actors to Sequencer assets using the Matinee to Sequencer Conversion Tool.
Matinee is the legacy cinematic tool for the Unreal Engine and as of 4.23 is no longer supported. To convert your Matinee files to Sequencer, you need to use the Conversion Tool. The tool takes the Matinee data and converts it into a Sequencer asset that exists within the Content Browser. Because Matinee stores data inside Levels, you will need to repeat the conversion process for each Level that uses Matinee.
Setting up the Conversion Plugin
First, you need to enable the conversion tool plugin.
Under Edit, navigate to Plugins.
Search for Matinee to find the Matinee to Level Sequencer plugin. Make sure Enabled is checked.
Converting your Files to Sequencer
With the plugin enabled, you can initiate the conversion two different ways.
To initiate the conversion, do one of the following:
From Cinematics, open your Matinee file. Select Convert in the prompt.
In World Outliner, Right-click the Matinee Actor and select Convert to Level Sequence.
Choose a place to save your assets. As part of the conversion, the plugin converts your tracks into assets so they can be reused across levels.
Save the location and Sequencer automatically appears, displaying your converted assets.
The following is a list of Matinee tracks that will automatically be converted into equivalent Sequencer assets:
- Move and Move Axis Tracks
- Animation Tracks
- Particle Toggle Tracks
- Event Tracks
- Sound Tracks
- Bool, Float, Vector, Color and Linear Color Property Tracks
- Float and Vector Material Parameter Tracks
- Visibility Tracks
- Director Tracks
- Fade Tracks
- Slomo Tracks
Unsupported tracks will not be converted over, and the data from these tracks will be lost. Any tracks not converted are listed in the Output Log for you to review.