Animation nodes are used inside of Anim Blueprints to perform operations, such as blending of poses or direct manipulation of bones. Several animation nodes are provided, but custom nodes can be created to suit the needs of any game.
Anatomy of an Animation Node
Animation nodes are composed of two parts:
- A runtime struct that performs the actual operations to generate an output pose.
- An editor-time container class that handles visual aspects and functionality of the node within the graph, such as node titles and the context menu.
In order to add a new animation node, both of these must be created.
Node Hierarchies
It is possible to create a hierarchy of nodes, but any non-abstract editor-time classes should contain exactly
one runtime node (do not add additional nodes when deriving unless the parent was abstract and did not contain one).
See the UAnimGraphNode_BlendListBase
family for examples.
Runtime Node
The runtime struct is derived from FAnimNode_Base
and is responsible for initialization, updating,
and performing operations on one or more input poses to generate the desired output pose. It also declares any
input pose links and any properties needed by the node to perform the desired operation.
Pose Inputs
In the runtime node, pose inputs are exposed by creating properties of the type FPoseLink
. FPoseLink
is used when working with poses in local space, such
as blending animations. FComponentSpacePoseLink
is used when working with poses in component
space, such as applying skeletal controllers.
A node can have a single pose input:
Local Space
FPoseLink BasePose;

Component Space
FComponentSpacePoseLink ComponentPose;

Component space pose pins are shaded blue.
Or, more than one input for nodes that blend between multiple animations:
FPoseLink Base;
FPoseLink Additive;

Each of these properties will cause a pose link to be displayed. Properties of this type are always exposed as input pins. They cannot be optionally hidden or used only as editable properties in the Details panel.
Properties and Data Inputs
Animation nodes can have any number of properties, such as an alpha or transformation data, that are used
to perform the operations of the node. These properties are declared just like any other property, using
UPROPERTY(Category=Settings, meta(PinShownByDefault))
mutable float Alpha;

Properties of animation nodes can be exposed as data inputs using special metadata keys to allow values to be passed to the node. This allows properties used by the node to use values calculated outside the node. The following metadata keys are available:
Metadata | Description |
NeverAsPin |
The property is not exposed as a data pin and is only be editable in the Details panel in Persona. |
PinHiddenByDefault |
The property can be exposed as a data pin, but is hidden by default (See Optional Pins below). |
PinShownByDefault |
The property can be exposed as a data pin and is visible by default (See Optional Pins below). |
AlwaysAsPin |
The property is always exposed as a data pin. |
(#OptionalPins) Optional Pins
Editor Node
The editor class is derived from UAnimGraphNode_Base
and is responsible for things like visual node
title or adding context menu actions.
The editor-time class should contain an instance of your runtime node exposed as editable.
FAnimNode_ApplyAdditive Node;

The background color and text of the title of the animation node displayed in the graph of the Animation Blueprint in
Persona are defined by overriding the GetNodeTitle
and GetNodeTitleColor
For example, the UAnimGraphNode_ApplyAdditive
node uses a gray background and displays "Apply Additive":
FLinearColor UAnimGraphNode_ApplyAdditive::GetNodeTitleColor() const
return FLinearColor(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f);
FString UAnimGraphNode_ApplyAdditive::GetNodeTitle(ENodeTitleType::Type TitleType) const
return TEXT("Apply Additive");

The tooltip displayed when hovering over the node in Persona is defined by overriding the GetTooltip
FString UAnimGraphNode_ApplyAdditive::GetTooltip const
return TEXT("Apply additive animation to normal pose");
Context Menu
Each animation node can add node-specific options to the context menu displayed when Right-clicking on the
node in a graph in Persona. Options are added using the GetContextMenuActions
function which is a
member of all Blueprint nodes.

For example, the UAnimGraphNode_LayeredBoneBlend
node adds menu entries for adding a new input or removing an existing one:
void UAnimGraphNode_LayeredBoneBlend::GetContextMenuActions(const FGraphNodeContextMenuBuilder& Context) const
if (!Context.bIsDebugging)
if (Context.Pin != NULL)
// we only do this for normal BlendList/BlendList by enum, BlendList by Bool doesn't support add/remove pins
if (Context.Pin->Direction == EGPD_Input)
//@TODO: Only offer this option on arrayed pins
Context.MenuBuilder->BeginSection("AnimNodesLayeredBoneBlend", NSLOCTEXT("A3Nodes", "LayeredBoneBlend", "Layered Bone Blend"));
Context.MenuBuilder->BeginSection("AnimNodesLayeredBoneBlend", NSLOCTEXT("A3Nodes", "LayeredBoneBlend", "Layered Bone Blend"));
Derived Native Getters
Many projects create their own UAnimInstance
derived class to get better performance. To go along with this, you can add new getters if there is a need. In order to do so however there is a bit of a setup involved in order for them to work correctly.
- The getter functions must be tagged as UFUNCTIONS.
- They must be BlueprintPure.
- They must include the metadata AnimGetter="True".
They must also define some specifically named parameters (this is also explained above the base anim getter functions in AnimInstance.h
). That list of parameters includes :
Paramter | Description |
int32 AssetPlayerIndex | The getter acts on an asset player and an entry will be added to the editor per asset player available. |
int32 MachineIndex | The getter acts on a state machine, an entry will be added per state machine. |
int32 StateIndex | This also requires MachineIndex. The getter acts on a state, an entry will be added per state. |
int32 TransitionIndex | This also requires MachineIndex. The getter acts on a transition, an entry will be added per transtion. |
There are also helper functions to get the actual nodes in your getters. These exist on the UAnimInstance
Function | Description |
GetStateMachineInstance(int32 MachineIndex) | Gets the baked state machine instance. |
GetCheckedNodeFromIndex(int32 NodeIdx) | Gets a node from an index, asserts if invalid. |
GetNodeFromIndex(int32 NodeIdx) | As above, can return nullptr. |
GetRelevantAssetPlayerFromState(int32 MachineIndex, int32 StateIndex) | Gets the highest weighted asset player in a state. |