Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > StaticMeshDescription > FStaticMeshOperations
Module | StaticMeshDescription |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/StaticMeshDescription/Public/StaticMeshOperations.h |
Include | #include "StaticMeshOperations.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Runtime/StaticMeshDescription/Private/StaticMeshOperations.cpp |
static void SwapPolygonPolygonGroup
FMeshDescription & MeshDescription,
int32 SectionIndex,
int32 TriangleIndexStart,
int32 TriangleIndexEnd,
bool bRemoveEmptyPolygonGroup
Move some polygon to a new PolygonGroup(section) SectionIndex: The target section we want to assign the polygon. See bRemoveEmptyPolygonGroup to know how its used TriangleIndexStart: The triangle index is compute as follow: foreach polygon {TriangleIndex += Polygon->NumberTriangles} TriangleIndexEnd: The triangle index is compute as follow: foreach polygon {TriangleIndex += Polygon->NumberTriangles} bRemoveEmptyPolygonGroup: If true, any polygonGroup that is empty after moving a polygon will be delete. This parameter impact how SectionIndex is use If param is true : PolygonGroupTargetID.GetValue() do not necessary equal SectionIndex in case there is less sections then SectionIndex If param is false : PolygonGroupTargetID.GetValue() equal SectionIndex, we will add all necessary missing PolygonGroupID (this can generate empty PolygonGroupID)