Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > RHI > FGPUDefragAllocator
Module | RHI |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Public/GPUDefragAllocator.h |
Include | #include "GPUDefragAllocator.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Private/GPUDefragAllocator.cpp |
FMemoryChunk &42; AllocateChunk
FMemoryChunk &42; FreeChunk,
int64 AllocationSize,
bool bAsync,
bool bDoValidation
Marks the specified chunk as 'allocated' and updates tracking variables. Splits the chunk if only a portion of it is allocated.
Marks the specified chunk as 'allocated' and updates tracking variables. Splits the chunk if only a portion of it is allocated. The memory chunk that was allocated (the original chunk could've been split).
Name | Description |
FreeChunk | Chunk to allocate |
AllocationSize | Number of uint8s to allocate |
bAsync | If true, allows allocating from relocating chunks and maint32ains the free-list sort order. |
FreeChunk | Chunk to allocate |
AllocationSize | Number of bytes to allocate |
bAsync | If true, allows allocating from relocating chunks and maintains the free-list sort order. |