Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > RHI > FDynamicRHI
- FDynamicRHI::RHILockTextureCubeFace()
- FVulkanDynamicRHI::RHILockTextureCubeFace()
- FNullDynamicRHI::RHILockTextureCubeFace()
- FOpenGLDynamicRHI::RHILockTextureCubeFace()
Module | RHI |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Public/DynamicRHI.h |
Include | #include "DynamicRHI.h" |
void &42; RHILockTextureCubeFace
FRHITextureCube &42; Texture,
uint32 FaceIndex,
uint32 ArrayIndex,
uint32 MipIndex,
EResourceLockMode LockMode,
uint32 & DestStride,
bool bLockWithinMiptail
Locks an RHI texture's mip-map for read/write operations on the CPU pointer to the CPU accessible resource data
Name | Description |
Texture | the RHI texture resource to lock |
MipIndex | index of the mip level to lock |
LockMode | Whether to lock the texture read-only instead of write-only. |
DestStride | output to retrieve the textures row stride (pitch) |
bLockWithinMiptail | for platforms that support packed miptails allow locking of individual mip levels within the miptail |