Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > RHI > FDynamicRHI
- FDynamicRHI::RHICreateUniformBuffer()
- FNullDynamicRHI::RHICreateUniformBuffer()
- FVulkanDynamicRHI::RHICreateUniformBuffer()
- FOpenGLDynamicRHI::RHICreateUniformBuffer()
Module | RHI |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Public/DynamicRHI.h |
Include | #include "DynamicRHI.h" |
FUniformBufferRHIRef RHICreateUniformBuffer
const void &42; Contents,
const FRHIUniformBufferLayout &42; Layout,
EUniformBufferUsage Usage,
EUniformBufferValidation Validation
Creates a uniform buffer. The contents of the uniform buffer are provided in a parameter, and are immutable. CAUTION: Even though this is marked as threadsafe, it is only valid to call from the render thread or the RHI thread. Thus is need not be threadsafe on platforms that do not support or aren't using an RHIThread The new uniform buffer.
Name | Description |
Contents | A pointer to a memory block of size NumBytes that is copied into the new uniform buffer. |
NumBytes | The number of bytes the uniform buffer should contain. |