Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Projects
Module | Projects |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Projects/Public/PluginDescriptor.h |
Include | #include "PluginDescriptor.h" |
struct FPluginDescriptor
Descriptor for plugins. Contains all the information contained within a .uplugin file.
Type | Name | Description | |
TMap< FString, TSharedPtr< FJsonValue > > | AdditionalFieldsToWrite | Additional fields to write | |
bool | bCanContainContent | Can this plugin contain content? | |
bool | bCanContainVerse | Can this plugin contain Verse code? | |
bool | bEnableVerseAssetReflection | If to generate Verse source code definitions from assets contained in this plugin | |
bool | bExplicitlyLoaded | When true, this plugin's modules will not be loaded automatically nor will it's content be mounted automatically. | |
bool | bHasExplicitPlatforms | When true, an empty SupportedTargetPlatforms is interpreted as 'no platforms' with the expectation that explicit platforms will be added in plugin platform extensions | |
bool | bInstalled | Signifies that the plugin was installed on top of the engine | |
bool | bIsBetaVersion | Marks the plugin as beta in the UI | |
bool | bIsExperimentalVersion | Marks the plugin as experimental in the UI | |
bool | bIsHidden | For auto-generated plugins that should not be listed in the plugin browser for users to disable freely. | |
bool | bIsPluginExtension | If true, this plugin from a platform extension extending another plugin | |
bool | bIsSealed | Prevents other plugins from depending on this plugin. | |
bool | bNoCode | Prevents this plugin from containing code or modules. | |
bool | bRequiresBuildPlatform | For plugins that are under a platform folder (eg. /PS4/), determines whether compiling the plugin requires the build platform and/or SDK to be available | |
TSharedPtr< FJsonObject > | CachedJson | Cached json for custom data | |
FString | Category | The name of the category this plugin | |
FString | CreatedBy | The company or individual who created this plugin. | |
FString | CreatedByURL | Hyperlink URL string for the company or individual who created this plugin. This is optional. | |
FString | Description | Description of the plugin | |
TArray< FString > | DisallowedPlugins | Plugins that cannot be used by this plugin | |
FString | DocsURL | Documentation URL string. | |
FString | EditorCustomVirtualPath | Optional custom virtual path to display in editor to better organize. | |
EPluginEnabledByDefault | EnabledByDefault | Whether this plugin should be enabled by default for all projects | |
FString | EngineVersion | Version of the engine that this plugin is compatible with | |
FString | FriendlyName | Friendly name of the plugin | |
TArray< FLocalizationTargetDescriptor > | LocalizationTargets | List of all localization targets associated with this plugin | |
FString | MarketplaceURL | Marketplace URL for this plugin. | |
TArray< FModuleDescriptor > | Modules | List of all modules associated with this plugin | |
FString | ParentPluginName | If specified, this is the real plugin that this one is just extending | |
TArray< FPluginReferenceDescriptor > | Plugins | Plugins used by this plugin | |
FCustomBuildSteps | PostBuildSteps | Post-build steps for each host platform | |
FCustomBuildSteps | PreBuildSteps | Pre-build steps for each host platform | |
TArray< FString > | SupportedPrograms | List of programs that are supported by this plugin. | |
TArray< FString > | SupportedTargetPlatforms | Controls a subset of platforms that can use this plugin, and which ones will stage the .uplugin file and content files. | |
FString | SupportURL | Support URL/email for this plugin. | |
FString | VersePath | The Verse path to the root of this plugin's content directory | |
EVerseScope::Type | VerseScope | Origin/visibility of Verse code in this plugin's Content/Verse folder | |
int32 | Version | Version number for the plugin. | |
FString | VersionName | Name of the version for this plugin. |
Type | Name | Description | |
Constructor. |
Type | Name | Description | |
const FString & | Return the .uplugin extension (with dot) | ||
bool | Loads the descriptor from the given file. | ||
bool | Loads the descriptor from the given file. | ||
bool | Reads the descriptor from the given string | ||
bool | Reads the descriptor from the given string | ||
bool | Read
const FJsonObject& Object, |
Reads the descriptor from the given JSON object | |
bool | Read
const FJsonObject& Object, |
Reads the descriptor from the given JSON object | |
bool | Saves the descriptor from the given file. | ||
bool | Saves the descriptor from the given file. | ||
bool | SupportsTargetPlatform
const FString& Platform |
Determines whether the plugin supports the given platform | |
void | UpdateJson
FJsonObject& JsonObject |
Updates the given json object with values in this descriptor | |
bool | UpdatePluginFile
const FString& FileName, |
Updates the content of the specified plugin file with values in this descriptor (hence preserving json fields that the plugin descriptor doesn't know about) | |
bool | UpdatePluginFile
const FString& FileName, |
Updates the content of the specified plugin file with values in this descriptor (hence preserving json fields that the plugin descriptor doesn't know about) | |
void | Writes a descriptor to JSON | ||
void | Write
TJsonWriter<>& Writer |
Writes a descriptor to JSON |