Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Engine > GameFramework > AHUD
Module | Engine |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/GameFramework/HUD.h |
Include | #include "GameFramework/HUD.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/HUD.cpp |
void DrawTexture
UTexture &42; Texture,
float ScreenX,
float ScreenY,
float ScreenW,
float ScreenH,
float TextureU,
float TextureV,
float TextureUWidth,
float TextureVHeight,
FLinearColor TintColor,
EBlendMode BlendMode,
float Scale,
bool bScalePosition,
float Rotation,
FVector2D RotPivot
Draws a textured quad on the HUD.
Name | Description |
Texture | Texture to draw. |
ScreenX | Screen-space X coordinate of upper left corner of the quad. |
ScreenY | Screen-space Y coordinate of upper left corner of the quad. |
ScreenW | Screen-space width of the quad (in pixels). |
ScreenH | Screen-space height of the quad (in pixels). |
TextureU | Texture-space U coordinate of upper left corner of the quad |
TextureV | Texture-space V coordinate of upper left corner of the quad. |
TextureUWidth | Texture-space width of the quad (in normalized UV distance). |
TextureVHeight | Texture-space height of the quad (in normalized UV distance). |
TintColor | Vertex color for the quad. |
BlendMode | Controls how to blend this quad with the scene. Translucent by default. |
Scale | Amount to scale the entire texture (horizontally and vertically) |
bScalePosition | Whether the "Scale" parameter should also scale the position of this draw call. |
Rotation | Amount to rotate this quad |
RotPivot | Location (as proportion of quad, 0-1) to rotate about |