Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Engine > FAnimationRuntime
Module | Engine |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Public/AnimationRuntime.h |
Include | #include "AnimationRuntime.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/Animation/AnimationRuntime.cpp |
static const FTransform & GetComponentSpaceTransformWithCache
const FReferenceSkeleton & InRefSkeleton,
const TArray< FTransform > & InBoneSpaceTransforms,
int32 BoneIndex,
TArray< FTransform > & CachedTransforms,
TArray< bool > & CachedTransformReady
Calculate the component-space bone transform for the specified bone. This is similar to GetComponentSpaceTransform(), but uses a cached array of transforms to prevent re-calculations when requesting transforms for multiple bones with shared parents. This is only likely to be more efficient than FillUpComponentSpaceTransforms if you only need a relatively small number of bone transforms.
Name | Description |
InRefSkeleton | The bone hierarchy |
InBoneSpaceTransforms | Bone-space transforms for all bones in the hierarchy |
BoneIndex | We calculate the component-space transform of this bone |
CachedTransforms | An array of transforms which holds the transforms of any bones whose transforms have been previously calculated. Should be initialized with CachedTransforms.SetNumUninitialized(BoneSpaceTransforms.Num()) before first use. |
CachedTransformReady | An array of flags indicating which bone transforms have been cached. Should be initialized with CachedTransformReady.SetNumZeroed(BoneSpaceTransforms.Num()) before first use. |