Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Engine > FAnimationRuntime > BlendPosesTogetherIndirect
Deprecated * Use BlendPosesTogetherIndirect with other signature
Module | Engine |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Public/AnimationRuntime.h |
Include | #include "AnimationRuntime.h" |
static void BlendPosesTogetherIndirect
TArrayView< const FCompactPose &42;const > SourcePoses,
TArrayView< const FBlendedCurve &42;const > SourceCurves,
TArrayView< const float > SourceWeights,
FCompactPose & ResultPose,
FBlendedCurve & ResultCurve
Blends together a set of poses, each with a given weight. This function is lightweight, it does not cull out nearly zero weights or check to make sure weights sum to 1.0, the caller should take care of that if needed.
The blend is done by taking a weighted sum of each atom, and re-normalizing the quaternion part at the end, not using SLERP. This allows n-way blends, and makes the code much faster, though the angular velocity will not be constant across the blend.
Name | Description |
ResultPose | Output pose of relative bone transforms. |