Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Engine > FAnimationCompression_PerTrackUtils > DecomposeHeader
Module | Engine |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Public/AnimationCompression.h |
Include | #include "AnimationCompression.h" |
static void DecomposeHeader
int32 Header,
int32 & KeyFormat,
int32 & NumKeys,
int32 & FormatFlags
Decomposes a header created with MakeHeader into three/four fields (two are still left packed into FormatFlags):
Name | Description |
Header | The header to decompose |
KeyFormat | [OUT] The encoding format used for each key |
NumKeys | [OUT] The number of keys in this track |
FormatFlags | [OUT] Three bits of format-specific information and a single bit to indicate if a key->frame table follows the keys |