Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Engine > Animation > FAnimNode_Base
- FAnimNode_Base::HasPreUpdate()
- FAnimNode_RemapCurvesFromMesh::HasPreUpdate()
- FAnimNode_PoseSnapshot::HasPreUpdate()
- FAnimNode_CurveSource::HasPreUpdate()
- FAnimNode_RetargetPoseFromMesh::HasPreUpdate()
- FAnimNode_LiveLinkPose::HasPreUpdate()
- FAnimNode_CopyPoseFromMesh::HasPreUpdate()
- FAnimNode_IKRig::HasPreUpdate()
- FAnimNode_SpringBone::HasPreUpdate()
- FAnimNode_RigidBody::HasPreUpdate()
- FAnimNode_AnimDynamics::HasPreUpdate()
Module | Engine |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/Animation/AnimNodeBase.h |
Include | #include "Animation/AnimNodeBase.h" |
virtual bool HasPreUpdate&40;&41; const
Override this to indicate that PreUpdate() should be called on the game thread (usually to gather non-thread safe data) before Update() is called. Note that this is called at load on the UAnimInstance CDO to avoid needing to call this at runtime. This is called on the game thread.