Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Core > Math > FCurveEdInterface
- FCurveEdInterface::SetKeyIn()
- UDistributionFloatConstantCurve::SetKeyIn()
- UDistributionFloatConstant::SetKeyIn()
- UDistributionVectorConstantCurve::SetKeyIn()
- UDistributionFloatUniformCurve::SetKeyIn()
- UDistributionFloatUniform::SetKeyIn()
- UDistributionVectorConstant::SetKeyIn()
- UDistributionVectorUniformCurve::SetKeyIn()
- UDistributionVectorUniform::SetKeyIn()
Module | Core |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Math/CurveEdInterface.h |
Include | #include "Math/CurveEdInterface.h" |
virtual int32 SetKeyIn
int32 KeyIndex,
float NewInVal
Set the input value of the specified Key. This may change the index of the key, so the new index of the key is retured. KeyIndex must be within range ie >=0 and < NumKeys.