Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Core > HAL
Module | Core |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/HAL/PlatformFileManager.h |
Include | #include "HAL/PlatformFileManager.h" |
class FPlatformFileManager
Platform File chain manager.
Type | Name | Description | |
Constructor. |
Type | Name | Description | |
IPlatformFile * | FindPlatformFile
const TCHAR* Name |
Finds a platform file in the chain of active platform files. | |
FPlatformFileManager & | Get () |
Gets FPlatformFileManager Singleton. | |
IPlatformFile & | Gets the currently used platform file. | ||
IPlatformFile * | GetPlatformFile
const TCHAR* Name |
Creates a new platform file instance. | |
void | Performs additional initialization when the new async IO is enabled. | ||
bool | InsertPlatformFile
IPlatformFile* NewPlatformFile |
Inserts a new platform file into the platform file wrapper chain. | |
void | RemovePlatformFile
IPlatformFile* PlatformFileToRemove |
Removes the specified file wrapper from the platform file wrapper chain. | |
void | SetPlatformFile
IPlatformFile& NewTopmostPlatformFile |
Sets the current platform file. | |
void | Calls Tick on the platform files in the TopmostPlatformFile chain |