Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > OptimusCore > UOptimusNodePin
Module | OptimusCore |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/Animation/DeformerGraph/Source/OptimusCore/Public/OptimusNodePin.h |
Include | #include "OptimusNodePin.h" |
Source | /Engine/Plugins/Animation/DeformerGraph/Source/OptimusCore/Private/OptimusNodePin.cpp |
TArray < FOptimusRoutedNodePin > GetConnectedPinsWithRouting
const FOptimusPinTraversalContext & InContext
) const
Returns all pins that are connected to working nodes, traversing fully through any router nodes. This is so that we can get a connection to an actual non-routing, working node. If there are no connections to this pin, it returns an empty array. Any connections that don't lead to a non-routing node are ignored. The routing assumes that we do not go higher up in the graph stack than the level at which we started (i.e. if this is called on a node inside of a sub-graph with an empty traversal context, and the connection leads to a return node and up into the graph that has a reference to that sub-graph, there are no more context levels to peel off and the connection will not be included).