FName |
ActiveGroupLayer |
Name of the group layer to use if we are setting triangle groups instead of removing occluded triangles |
int |
AddRandomRays |
Random rays to add beyond +/- major axes, for raycast sampling |
int |
AddTriangleSamples |
Add triangle samples per triangle (in addition to TriangleSamplingMethod) |
bool |
bActiveGroupLayerIsDefault |
If true, the ActiveGroupLayer is the name of the "default" layer, so we'll use the built-in group IDs |
bool |
bSetTriangleGroupInsteadOfRemoving |
If true, we will set triangle group IDs for occluded triangles, rather than deleting the triangles |
int |
CreatedGroupID |
Outputs, used when bSetTriangleGroupInsteadOfRemoving is true |
int |
CreatedGroupLayerIndex |
UE::Geometry::EOcclusionCalculationMode |
InsideMode |
TArray< FTransformSRT3d > |
MeshTransforms |
double |
MinAreaConnectedComponent |
int |
MinTriCountConnectedComponent |
double |
NormalOffset |
We nudge points out by this amount to try to counteract numerical issues |
TArray< FTransformSRT3d > |
OccluderTransforms |
TArray< TSharedPtr< UE::Geometry::FDynamicMeshAABBTree3, ESPMode::ThreadSafe > > |
OccluderTrees |
TArray< TSharedPtr< UE::Geometry::TFastWindingTree< FDynamicMesh3 >, ESPMode::ThreadSafe > > |
OccluderWindings |
TSharedPtr< FDynamicMesh3, ESPMode::ThreadSafe > |
OriginalMesh |
Inputs |
int |
ShrinkRemoval |
Once triangles to remove are identified, do iterations of boundary erosion, ie contract selection by boundary vertex one-rings |
UE::Geometry::EOcclusionTriangleSampling |
TriangleSamplingMethod |
double |
WindingIsoValue |
Use this as winding isovalue for WindingNumber mode |