Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > GoogleARCoreBase > UGoogleARCoreAugmentedImage
Module | GoogleARCoreBase |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AR/Google/GoogleARCore/Source/GoogleARCoreBase/Public/GoogleARCoreAugmentedImage.h |
Include | #include "GoogleARCoreAugmentedImage.h" |
Source | /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AR/Google/GoogleARCore/Source/GoogleARCoreBase/Private/GoogleARCoreAugmentedImage.cpp |
void UpdateTrackedGeometry
const TSharedRef< FARSupportInterface, ESPMode::ThreadSafe > & InTrackingSystem,
uint32 FrameNumber,
double Timestamp,
const FTransform & InLocalToTrackingTransform,
const FTransform & InAlignmentTransform,
FVector2D InEstimatedSize,
UARCandidateImage &42; InDetectedImage,
int32 InImageIndex,
const FString & ImageName
Update the tracked object.
This is called by FGoogleARCoreAugmentedImageResource::UpdateGeometryData() to adjust the tracked position of the object.
Name | Description |
InTrackingSystem | The AR system to use. |
FrameNumber | The current frame number. |
Timestamp | The current time stamp. |
InLocalToTrackingTransform | Local to tracking space transformation. |
InAlignmentTransform | Alignment transform. |
InEstimatedSize | The estimated size of the object. |
InDetectedImage | The image that was found, in Unreal's cross-platform augmente reality API. |
InImageIndex | Which image in the augmented image database is being tracked. |
ImageName | The name of the image being tracked. |