Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > GeometryCache > UGeometryCacheTrackStreamable
Module | GeometryCache |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/GeometryCache/Source/GeometryCache/Classes/GeometryCacheTrackStreamable.h |
Include | #include "GeometryCacheTrackStreamable.h" |
Source | /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/GeometryCache/Source/GeometryCache/Private/GeometryCacheTrackStreamable.cpp |
void GetChunksForTimeRange
float StartTime,
float EndTime,
bool Looping,
TArray< int32 > & OutChunkIndexes
Get the CunksIds that need to be loaded to display any frames falling within the given time range.
Name | Description |
StartTime | Beginning of the range to return chunks for |
EndTime | End of the range to return chunks for |
Looping | If the animation playback is looping and thus the interval needs to wrap around based on this track's Duration |
OutChunkIndexes | This list will be filled with the needed ChunkIds |