Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > ElectraDecoders > IElectraDecoder
Module | ElectraDecoders |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/Media/ElectraCodecs/Source/ElectraDecoders/Public/IElectraDecoder.h |
Include | #include "IElectraDecoder.h" |
EOutputStatus HaveOutput()
Checks for available decoded output. Calling DecodeAccessUnit() may not produce any output at that moment. You need to check if output is available by calling this method. If new output is available it can be retrieved calling GetOutput(). After a call to SendEndOfData() you need to call this method to perform decoding of any pending input.
The return value indicates the following:
- Available : New output is available. It must be retrieved by calling GetOutput()
- NeedInput : There is no output available. More data must be provided to the decoder through DecodeAccessUnit() or pending input be completed by calling SendEndOfData().
- EndOfData : Indicates the last output had been returned after a call to SendEndOfData(). This return value is returned only once. The next call will return NeedInput.
- Error : An error has occurred. Get the details by calling GetError(). The decoder will need to be destroyed and recreated.