Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > AppleARKitFaceSupport > UAppleARKitFaceMeshComponent
Module | AppleARKitFaceSupport |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AR/AppleAR/AppleARKitFaceSupport/Source/AppleARKitFaceSupport/Public/AppleARKitFaceMeshComponent.h |
Include | #include "AppleARKitFaceMeshComponent.h" |
Source | /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AR/AppleAR/AppleARKitFaceSupport/Source/AppleARKitFaceSupport/Private/AppleARKitFaceMeshComponent.cpp |
UFUNCTION&40;BlueprintCallable, Category&61;"Components&124;ARFaceMesh",
Meta&61;&40;DisplayName&61;"Create Face Mesh", AutoCreateRefTerm&61;"UV0"&41;&41;
void CreateMesh
const TArray< FVector > & Vertices,
const TArray< int32 > & Triangles,
const TArray< FVector2D > & UV0
Create the initial face mesh from raw mesh data
Name | Description |
Vertices | Vertex buffer of all vertex positions to use for this mesh section. |
Triangles | Index buffer indicating which vertices make up each triangle. Length must be a multiple of 3. |
UV0 | Optional array of texture co-ordinates for each vertex. If supplied, must be same length as Vertices array. |