Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > ApexDestruction > UDestructibleComponent
- UPrimitiveComponent::GetBodyInstance()
- UDestructibleComponent::GetBodyInstance()
Module | ApexDestruction |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/ApexDestruction/Source/ApexDestruction/Public/DestructibleComponent.h |
Include | #include "DestructibleComponent.h" |
Source | /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/ApexDestruction/Source/ApexDestruction/Private/DestructibleComponent.cpp |
virtual FBodyInstance &42; GetBodyInstance
FName BoneName,
bool bGetWelded,
int32 Index
&41; const
Returns BodyInstance of the component. Returns the BodyInstance based on various states (does component have multiple bodies? Is the body welded to another body?)
Name | Description |
BoneName | Used to get body associated with specific bone. NAME_None automatically gets the root most body |
bGetWelded | If the component has been welded to another component and bGetWelded is true we return the single welded BodyInstance that is used in the simulation |
Index | Index used in Components with multiple body instances |