Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > AlembicImporter > UAlembicImportFactory
- UFactory::FactoryCreateFile()
- UAlembicImportFactory::FactoryCreateFile()
Module | AlembicImporter |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/Importers/AlembicImporter/Source/AlembicImporter/Classes/AlembicImportFactory.h |
Include | #include "AlembicImportFactory.h" |
Source | /Engine/Plugins/Importers/AlembicImporter/Source/AlembicImporter/Private/AlembicImportFactory.cpp |
virtual UObject &42; FactoryCreateFile
UClass &42; InClass,
UObject &42; InParent,
FName InName,
EObjectFlags Flags,
const FString & Filename,
const TCHAR &42; Parms,
FFeedbackContext &42; Warn,
bool & bOutOperationCanceled
Create a new object by importing it from a file name.
The default implementation of this method will load the contents of the entire file into a byte buffer and call FactoryCreateBinary. User defined factories may override this behavior to process the provided file name on their own. The new object.
Name | Description |
InClass | |
InParent | |
InName | |
Flags | |
Filename | |
Parms | |
Warn | |
bOutOperationCanceled | Will indicate whether the user canceled the import. |