Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Editor > ViewportInteraction > ABaseTransformGizmo
Module | ViewportInteraction |
Header | /Engine/Source/Editor/ViewportInteraction/Public/VIBaseTransformGizmo.h |
Include | #include "VIBaseTransformGizmo.h" |
virtual void UpdateGizmo
const EGizmoHandleTypes InGizmoType,
const ECoordSystem InGizmoCoordinateSpace,
const FTransform & InLocalToWorld,
const FBox & InLocalBounds,
const FVector & InViewLocation,
const float InScaleMultiplier,
bool bInAllHandlesVisible,
const bool bInAllowRotationAndScaleHandles,
class UActorComponent &42; DraggingHandle,
const TArray< UActorComponent &42; > & InHoveringOverHandles,
const float InGizmoHoverScale,
const float InGizmoHoverAnimationDuration
Called by the world interaction system after we've been spawned into the world, to allow us to create components and set everything up nicely for the selected objects that we'll be used to manipulate