Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Editor > VREditor > UVREditorInteractor
- UViewportInteractor::GetHitResultFromLaserPointer()
- UVREditorInteractor::GetHitResultFromLaserPointer()
Module | VREditor |
Header | /Engine/Source/Editor/VREditor/Public/VREditorInteractor.h |
Include | #include "VREditorInteractor.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Editor/VREditor/Private/VREditorInteractor.cpp |
virtual FHitResult GetHitResultFromLaserPointer
TArray< AActor &42; > &42; OptionalListOfIgnoredActors,
const EHitResultGizmoFilterMode GizmoFilterMode,
TArray< UClass &42; > &42; ObjectsInFrontOfGizmo,
const bool bEvenIfBlocked,
const float LaserLengthOverride
Traces along the laser pointer vector and returns what it first hits in the world What the laster pointer hit
Name | Description |
OptionalListOfIgnoredActors | Actors to exclude from hit testing |
GizmoFilterMode | filters the types of gizmos for the hit test |
bEvenIfUIIsInFront | If true, ignores any UI that might be blocking the ray |
LaserLengthOverride | If zero the default laser length (VREdMode::GetLaserLength) is used |