Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Editor > UnrealEd > Commandlets > FAnalyzeReferencedContentStat
Warnings * returns pointer into TMap, only valid till next time Set is called
Module | UnrealEd |
Header | /Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Public/Commandlets/AnalyzeReferencedContentStat.h |
Include | #include "Commandlets/AnalyzeReferencedContentStat.h" |
FStaticMeshStats &42; GetStaticMeshStats
UStaticMesh &42; StaticMesh,
UPackage &42; LevelPackage
- Retrieves/ creates static mesh stats associated with passed in static mesh.
returns pointer into TMap, only valid till next time Set is called pointer to static mesh stats associated with static mesh
Name | Description |
StaticMesh | Static mesh to retrieve/ create static mesh stats for |