Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Editor > BlueprintGraph > UBlueprintNodeSpawner
Module | BlueprintGraph |
Header | /Engine/Source/Editor/BlueprintGraph/Public/BlueprintNodeSpawner.h |
Include | #include "BlueprintNodeSpawner.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Editor/BlueprintGraph/Private/BlueprintNodeSpawner.cpp |
UEdGraphNode * GetTemplateNode
UEdGraph * TargetGraph,
FBindingSet const & Bindings
) const
Retrieves a cached template for the node that this is set to spawn. Will instantiate a new template if one didn't previously exist. If the template-node is not compatible with any of our cached UEdGraph outers, then we use TargetGraph as a model to create one that will work. Should return a new/cached template-node (but could be null, or some pre-existing node... depends on the sub-class's Invoke() method).
Name | Description |
TargetGraph | Optional param that defines a compatible graph outer (used as an achetype if we don't have a compatible outer on hand). |
Bindings | Objects to bind to the template node |