Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Developer > FunctionalTesting
Inheritance Hierarchy
- UObjectBase
- UObjectBaseUtility
- UObject
- UActorComponent
- USceneComponent
- UPrimitiveComponent
- UFuncTestRenderingComponent
Module | FunctionalTesting |
Header | /Engine/Source/Developer/FunctionalTesting/Classes/FuncTestRenderingComponent.h |
Include | #include "FuncTestRenderingComponent.h" |
class UFuncTestRenderingComponent : public UPrimitiveComponent
Type | Name | Description | |
const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer |
Overridden from UPrimitiveComponent
Type | Name | Description | |
FPrimitiveSceneProxy * | Creates a proxy to represent the primitive to the scene manager in the rendering thread. | ||
bool | Determines whether the proxy for this primitive type needs to be recreated whenever the primitive moves. |
Overridden from USceneComponent
Type | Name | Description | |
FBoxSphereBounds | CalcBounds
const FTransform& LocalToWorld |
Calculate the bounds of the component. Default behavior is a bounding box/sphere of zero size. |