bool |
bDisableNoisyRenderingFeatures |
Disables Anti-Aliasing, Motion Blur, Screen Space Reflections, Eye Adaptation, Tonemapper and Contact Shadows, because those features contribute a lot to the noise in the final rendered image. |
bool |
bDisableTonemapping |
Disables Eye Adaptation and sets Tonemapper to fixed gamma curve. |
bool |
bIgnoreAntiAliasing |
If this is true, we search neighboring pixels looking for the expected pixel as what may have happened, is that the pixel shifted a little. |
bool |
bIgnoreColors |
If this is true, all we compare is luminance of the scene. |
bool |
bOverride_OverrideTimeTo |
float |
Delay |
The delay before we take the screenshot (measured in seconds). |
int32 |
FrameDelay |
The delay before we take the screenshot (measured in number of frames). |
float |
MaximumGlobalError |
After you've accounted for color tolerance changes, you now need to control for total acceptable error. |
float |
MaximumLocalError |
After you've accounted for color tolerance changes, you now need to control for local acceptable error. |
double |
OverrideTimeTo |
Overrides World Time, Real Time to the value provided. |
FVector2D |
Resolution |
The desired resolution of the screenshot, if none is provided, it will use the default for the platform setup in the automation settings. |
EComparisonTolerance |
Tolerance |
These are quick defaults for tolerance levels, we default to low, because generally there's some constant variability in every pixel's color introduced by TxAA. |
FComparisonToleranceAmount |
ToleranceAmount |
For each channel and brightness levels you can control a region where the colors are found to be essentially the same. |
TObjectPtr< UAutomationViewSettings > |
ViewSettings |
Assign custom view settings to control which rendering options we allow on while taking the screenshot. |
FName |
VisualizeBuffer |
Allows you to screenshot a buffer other than the default final lit scene image. |