Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Developer > DerivedDataCache > FDerivedDataCacheInterface > GetSynchronous
Module | DerivedDataCache |
Header | /Engine/Source/Developer/DerivedDataCache/Public/DerivedDataCacheInterface.h |
Include | #include "DerivedDataCacheInterface.h" |
bool GetSynchronous
const TCHAR &42; CacheKey,
TArray< uint8 > & OutData,
FStringView DebugContext
Synchronously checks the cache and if the item is present, it returns the cached results, otherwise it returns false.
Prefer to use a FDerivedDataPluginInterface instead of generating the key directly. true if the data was retrieved from the cache.
Name | Description |
CacheKey | Key to identify the data. |
DebugContext | A string used to describe the data being generated. Typically the path to the object that it is generated from is sufficient. |