Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Developer > DatasmithExporter > FDatasmithMeshExporter > ExportToUObject
Module | DatasmithExporter |
Header | /Engine/Source/Developer/Datasmith/DatasmithExporter/Public/DatasmithMeshExporter.h |
Include | #include "DatasmithMeshExporter.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Developer/Datasmith/DatasmithExporter/Private/DatasmithMeshExporter.cpp |
bool ExportToUObject
TSharedPtr< IDatasmithMeshElement > & MeshElement,
const TCHAR &42; Filepath,
FDatasmithMesh & Mesh,
FDatasmithMesh &42; CollisionMesh,
EDSExportLightmapUV LightmapUV
Exports a FDatasmithMesh as a UObject and link it to the given IDatasmithMeshElementElement. True if export was successful.
Name | Description |
MeshElement | The existing MeshElement for which we want to export a FDatasmithMesh, the name of the MeshElement will determine the name of the exported file. |
Filepath | The path where the resulting file will be written |
Mesh | The mesh to export |
CollisionMesh | An optional collision mesh |
LightmapUV | The UV generation export option |