Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Developer > AssetTools > IAssetTools
Module | AssetTools |
Header | /Engine/Source/Developer/AssetTools/Public/IAssetTools.h |
Include | #include "IAssetTools.h" |
void ConvertVirtualTextures
const TArray< UTexture2D &42; > & Textures,
bool bConvertBackToNonVirtual,
const TArray< UMaterial &42; > &42; RelatedMaterials
&41; const
Converts the given UTexture2D to virtual textures or converts virtual textures back to standard textures and updates the related UMaterials
Name | Description |
Textures | The given textures to convert. |
bConvertBackToNonVirtual | If true, virtual textures will be converted back to standard textures. |
RelatedMaterials | An optional array of materials to update after the conversion, this is useful during import when not all dependencies and caches are up to date. |