Timing is everything, especially when you have a specific time you want a device to execute a specific function. Typically, triggering functions involves setting up multiple devices or triggers in complicated ways or even using the channel device to pull game mechanics, functions, and visuals together.
With Gameplay Events in Sequencer you can trigger device functions at the exact time you want during the gameplay.
Gameplay Events in Sequencer do not work with Verse authored custom devices, this feature only works with the devices found in the Content Browser's Device folder.
Timing Events
Using Sequencer simplifies the event timing process and causes functions to trigger on time without relying on a chain reaction of events firing from connected devices. This is helpful for rhythym games, or to execute a game mechanic that depends heavily on the player timing their movement through a level to avoid danger.
Configuring the Triggers
Before you can set up a gameplay event in Sequencer you have to create a Level Sequence and drag a Cinematic Sequence device into the viewport.
Right-click in the Content Browser and select Cinematics > Level Sequence.
Name the Level Sequence thumbnail.
Double-click the thumbnail to open Sequencer.
Click +Track and select Actor to Sequence > Add Device. Or you can search for the device in the search field.
Click the + icon next to the device name and select Gameplay Events from the Track dropdown menu.
Add a keyframe to the Gameplay Event.
Right-click on the keyframe in the Timeline and select Properties. The Key menu opens.
Add the time you want the device’s gameplay function to trigger in the Time field.
Select the device’s gameplay event from the Gameplay Event Function Property dropdown menu.
Device functions in the Gameplay Event Function Property list match those of the selected device.
Save the Level Sequence.
Playing the Level Sequence
When the Cinematic Sequence device plays the Level Sequence, the device events set in Sequencer trigger at the dedicated time set time in the Gameplay Events’ Time field.
Decide whether the Cinematic Sequence device should play the Level Sequence automatically at the beginning of the game or set the device to play the sequence when triggered by another device, such as a Trigger or a Timed Objective device.
Select the Cinematic Sequence device in the Outliner or the Viewport.
Click on the blank field in the Sequence option and select a Level Sequence.
Uncheck Autoplay to remove the autoplay function. Only do this if you plan to have a device trigger the play function of the Cinematic Sequence device.
Click the Array + icon in the Play Function user option.
Select a device from the top Play Function dropdown menu.
Select an Event from the Event dropdown menu.
Leave the default values for the other user options unless you want to change their values for your Level Sequence.
You can add multiple devices to a Level Sequence and set a single or several staggered triggering times for each device in the Level Sequence.
You can even set one device (or more) to trigger multiple times over a period of time or timed intervals.
Single Event
Multiple Events
Multiple Events for a Single Device