Twinmotion 2025.1 Preview 2 is now available.
You can download and install the latest release from the Epic Games Launcher on your computer.
If you're a new user, you can get started here.
Feel free to start a New Discussion in the Twinmotion Forum to share your thoughts on this release. If you need to report a bug regarding this release please contact Customer Support.
Twinmotion 2025.1 Preview 2 is a new version. You can open projects created and saved in previous versions. However, projects created and saved in 2025.1 will not open in previous versions.
Twinmotion is now packaged as a universal application, meaning it natively supports both Intel and Apple Silicon processors like the M1, M1 Pro, M1 Max, M2, and newer chips. The packaging for the architecture of both processors slightly increases the package size. Compiling for Apple Silicon ensures Twinmotion takes full advantage of its high performance and low power consumption.
The DirectX 11 Hardware Render Interface (RHI) is not supported for the Lumen system on Windows. To use Lumen on Windows, you must use DirectX 12.
On macOS, Twinmotion does not open when you launch it for the second time from the Epic Games launcher. This is a known issue and we are working on a fix. As a workaround, you can launch the Twinmotion application located in
HD:Users:Shared:Epic Games:Twinmotion[version]
Recommended Configuration to Run Twinmotion 2025.1 Preview 2
For complete details on the recommended hardware and software specifications for Twinmotion, please refer to Hardware and Software Specifications.
What’s New
Environment Tab Redesign
The Env (Environment) tab in the Ambience panel has been completely redesigned to create a clearer distinction between the two main lighting modes: Dynamic sky and HDRI.
Depending on the lighting mode you select, you can access different sets of settings: the Sun, Sky, and Clouds settings in the Dynamic sky mode, and the HDRI environment and Directional light settings in the HDRI mode.
While some settings are unique to a specific mode, other settings such as the Season, Wind, Fog, Horizon, and Ocean settings, are shared between both modes.
Additionally, the weather sliders (under Season) have been split into separate sliders for greater flexibility. It is now possible to have rain without clouds or to have snow while keeping colorful autumn leaves on the trees.
In certain cases, backward compatibility may not be supported and the lighting environment set up in previous versions may appear differently when opened in this version.
In HDRI mode, the Match HDRI setting extracts metadata from the HDRI to automatically set the Directional light. This feature was implemented in Twinmotion 2024.1.1 and is not supported in Twinmmotion files created prior to 2024.1.1.
You can now use and create presets in Twinmotion. Presets are collections of settings that you can easily switch between. Twinmotion already includes premade presets, but you can also create your own.
Currently, presets are available in the Env (Environment) tab, and for Volumetric clouds and Confetti assets.
Presets are stored locally, and for now, it is not possible to share them easily among users. When opening a scene that uses presets on another computer, the preset names will default to "Custom," even if the same settings are retained.
Unreal Engine 5.5 Support
Twinmotion has been upgraded to run on Unreal Engine 5.5. Some of the benefits include the following:
Path tracer is production-ready and includes:
Volumetric Cloud support.
Spatial denoiser improvements.
Lumen global illumination improvements on:
Shadows in Orthographic view.
Colored light function support in Projector lights.
Volumetric Clouds
Twinmotion now features Volumetric clouds, enabling you to incorporate realistic cloud formations into your outdoor projects. These clouds can be animated and cast realistic shadows across the scene.
You can adjust key settings, such as altitude and coverage, along with more in-depth options for appearance (such as density, color, and puffiness) and distribution.
Due to hardware limitations, the quality of volumetric clouds is downgraded in Path tracer rendering mode when using AMD graphics cards.
For performance reasons, when volumetric clouds interact with geometry, no fading occurs in the viewport, and artifacts may appear. This limitation does not affect exports.
In Real time rendering mode, especially at sunrise and sunset, some imprecision in the cast shadows may be observed, resulting in visual differences between the Viewport and exports.
Exponential Height Fog Improvement
The Fog feature has been improved with the addition of new Height and Color sliders. The Density slider has also been reworked to provide the option of increasing the amount of fog in your scene.
Additional Options for Sky and Sun
Two new Sky atmosphere settings have been added: Turbidity and Atmosphere density.
With Turbidity you can change the clarity of the sky to simulate occluded lighting due to a significant amount of large particles floating in the atmosphere, such as pollution, dust, or aerosols.
The Atmosphere density setting affects the color of the sky by simulating everything from a non-existent to a thin or very thick atmosphere, impacting how different wavelengths scatter.
Additionally, you can now change the Color or Temperature of the Sun, or the Directional light when in HDRI mode.
We have added a new Configuration media type that enables you to click on buttons within the viewport to trigger actions such as changing materials or opening doors. This new media type enables you to save various properties—object properties, materials, visibility, and ambience—within different states. The states that are created and that store these properties can be called by placing triggers either in 2D space on the side of the screen or in 3D space in the project.
For more information, see Configurations.
Configurations are not supported on Twinmotion Cloud.
Configurations based on Visibility and Ambience cannot currently be applied to videos or sequences.
Projector Light
A new Projector light type has been added to the Library, enabling you to project videos or images onto the environment. It includes various settings to correct projection distortion and mask parts of the videos or images.
Confetti Particles
A new type of particle system named Confetti has been added to the Library in the Objects > Particles category. This particle system is the first one in Twinmotion that offers a series of presets that can also be customized in the Properties panel.
Limitations / Known Issues
Confetti Roll shapes cannot currently be rendered in Path tracer rendering mode.
Roll shapes do not appear in the viewport in Drop mode.
VR Enhancements
Added support for configuration triggers in VR using the primary button on VR controllers.
Configured teleportation to use secondary buttons.
Improved performance by re-enabling Instanced Stereo.
Improved rendering on NVidia cards thanks to the DLSS plugin for antialiasing (DLAA).
Lumen can now be used in VR, but you must explicitly allow it in the VR Quality settings due to the very high hardware requirements. Also, please note that using Lumen in VR can introduce rendering artifacts in certain scenes.
Automatic LOD Generation
Twinmotion increasingly offers more advanced systems that use imported meshes. To maintain a high level of performance when working in scenes, we now introduce automatic Level of Detail (LOD) generation.
With the LOD system you can reduce the polycount on imported meshes based on camera distance, which is a common optimization system in the management of real time 3D scenes.
By selecting geometry in a scene, you can view and specify the viewport LOD in the Properties panel.
Three presets (Simple / 3 LOD, Normal / 6 LOD and Complex / 8 LOD) provide different representations of the imported geometry based on the distance between the viewport camera and the visible elements.
You can check the visual consistency of LODs in the 3D viewport with the Display LOD parameter. This parameter does not affect the final rendering.
Virtual Shadow Maps
Virtual Shadow Maps is a new method that improves and quickens the rendering of shadows in Real time rendering mode. More accurate than Standard shadows, it ensures consistency for shadow rendering between the Real time and Path tracer rendering modes.
Virtual Shadow Maps are available by selecting Accurate in the Ambience panel in the Render > Shadows section.
The Sun bias and Lights bias parameters enable you to finetune the accuracy of Virtual Shadow Maps for the Sun or for artificial lights.
Virtual Shadow Maps will be implemented on macOS in a future version of Twinmotion.
Using the Virtual Shadow Maps feature lowers the framerate when snow and rain weather particle systems are used. This performance limitation will be improved in a later release.
Autodesk Alias .wire File Import
You can now import geometry in the Alias .wire
file format. In the Import dialog box, you can set tessellation parameters for extra precision; Coarse, Low, Medium, and High presets are provided.
Alias needs to be installed for this feature to be enabled.
Two-sided Geometry on Import
We have added a two-sided geometry option on import. This will import both the front and back sides of any elements, which is required if two different materials are applied to each side of a single plane (for example, with files from C4D, Rhino, or SketchUp).
Import Dock Improvements
Improvements to the Import dock enable you to:
Select multiple imported files by holding down the Shift key while clicking.
Delete multi-selected files using the Delete command in the Media menu.
Press the Delete key on your keyboard to make deletions.
Support for Area and Spacing Tools when Exporting to Datasmith
When exporting a Twinmotion scene to Datasmith, the Area and Spacing tools are now supported. These elements will be correctly imported into Unreal Engine. For further information on the Twinmotion to Unreal Engine workflow, you can reference this documentation.
Legacy Direct Link Functionality Removed
The older legacy add-on plugins are no longer supported and have been removed. To use Direct Link functionality, use the latest Datasmith exporter version found on our plugins page.
Media Multi-selection
You can now multi-select media to change their settings all at once. Multi-selection can be done using the standard shortcuts:
To select nonadjacent items, hold down the Ctrl key (Command key on macOS) and select the items.
To select multiple adjacent items, hold down the Shift key and click the first and last item you want to select.
This functionality works with images, videos, sequences, and panoramas.
Smooth Camera Motion
You can now intuitively ease controls for speed adjustment and spatial manipulation to achieve smooth and controlled camera motion; this is done by selecting points on a camera path and adjusting their tangents.
The camera path is visible in the viewport in Media preview mode. The density of small dots along the camera path provides an overview of the speed changes.
Easing can be controlled at the part level for the beginning and end of the part. The default is set to easing in / easing out.
Camera Target
Action Cam now has an option to enable a target. This ensures precise framing by easily controlling the camera direction with a target or look-at constraint. If activated, the target can also manage the depth of field Distance value of the camera.
Orbit Camera
A new Orbit Cam rig revolves the camera around its specified central pivot within the scene.
Tire Base Material
We have added a specific material that textures and automatically creates UVs for flat cylindrical objects, such as tires. Four tire materials have also been added to the Library in the Materials category.
Car Paint Improvements
You can now create more realistic car paint effects, thanks to the following additional controls on the Car paint material:
Pearlescent Scale
Clear coat Roughness
Imperfections (Dust, Fingerprints, and Scratches)
Coated Carbon Fiber Materials
Four (4) new Coated Carbon Fiber materials were added to the Twinmotion Library in the Materials > Metal category. They are essentially designed to be used for the automotive industry but can also be used for other purposes.
Shadows in Orthographic Views in Real Time Rendering Mode
Shadows are now supported in orthographic views in the Real time rendering mode (Standard and Lumen Global Illumination), providing a major productivity and design aid for architects. Previously, shadows were only supported in orthographic views in Path tracer rendering mode.
Measure Tool
The visual appearance of the Measure tool has been updated.
We have also added a second Measure tool that enables you to quickly measure a distance between two points. This tool also has the option to quickly align the measure on a world axis by Shift-clicking while placing the second point of the measure.
Neither Measure tool is visible in Path tracer or in Media preview mode.
Modeling Tools
We have added a Modeling panel, accessible by clicking Modeling in the Footer, which consists of two primary categories: Faces and Objects. To start using any of the modeling tools, one or several meshes need to be selected. Only Sketchfab, Quixel, and imported meshes are supported for the modeling tools.
Faces Tool
The Faces category gives you access to several ways to flip normals by going into the Edit normals option. When entering this mode you will see two different colors on the faces of selected meshes: blue represents the front of faces and red represents the back of faces.
The Auto fix mode tries to automatically flip the normals and its vertices in the correct orientation. The results will vary based on the composition and or complexity of the elements.
When you activate either the Connected group or Single mode, you can select faces in the viewport to flip them instantly in one click.
In the Edit faces option you can select faces based on four modes: Single face, By material ID, Connected group, and All. When you select one or more faces, you can use the Delete button under Actions to remove the selected faces.
Mirror Tool
Under the Objects category you have access to the Mirror tool, where you can easily choose a mirror direction and position for the mirror plane.
When doing a mirror there are three Merge modes to consider as you may need to create New objects or Merge objects to the existing mesh available in the Scene graph.
The Auto mode automatically detects meshes that are in direct contact with the mirror plane and merges them with the original mesh, and creates new meshes in the Scene graph with the ones that are not in direct contact with the mirror plane.
Bugs Fixed in 2025.1 Preview 2
TM-17727 - Fixed an issue where the tangent handles of keyframes were visible in the Viewport when creating media if a sequence was in Media preview mode.
TM-17866 - Fixed an issue where the orientation of the orbit camera changed when using Gizmo snap positioning.
TM-17535 - Fixed an issue where the camera object selection persisted in the viewport after quitting Media mode.
Content and Library
TM-17706 - Fixed an issue where trees were losing their leaves when switching the Age on a Paint layer.
TM-17567 - Fixed an issue where the Tint setting for tree leaves was broken.
TM-17695 - Fixed an issue where certain tooltips were no longer displayed.
TM-17536 - Fixed a crash that occurred after choosing not to save a project when HDRI was enabled.
TM-17393 - Fixed an issue where a temporary file was left on disk after exporting a video on macOS.
TM-16120 - Fixed a crash that occurred when the character length of the cache path was over 119 characters.
TM-17312 - Fixed an issue where the thumbnails of Path tracer scenes were broken in the Home panel.
TM-16190 - Fixed an issue with increased VRAM consumption during loading.
TM-17850 - Fixed an issue with long load times for files with large amounts of trees.
Import and Interoperability
TM-17744 - Fixed a crash when exporting medium to large projects to Datasmith.
TM-17712 - Fixed an issue where Twinmotion became unresponsive when importing Alias .wire files that contained non-latin characters or accents.
TM-18104 - Fixed an issue with disappearing meshes in Datasmith reimports using Collapse by materials.
TM-17896 - Fixed a crash when deleting parts of an imported GLTF model from the Scene graph while in Modeling mode.
TM-15481 - Fixed an issue with misplaced group and component elements in imported SketchUp files.
TM-17880 - Fixed an issue where the Auto fix feature was smoothing out the vertex normals of meshes.
TM-17897 - Fixed a crash when creating a new file while in Modeling mode.
TM-17598 - Fixed an issue with the Mirror tool where instanced objects were affected when mirroring with append and weld vertices.
TM-17909 - Fixed an issue where materials were reset after reimporting using Collapse by material or Collapse all modes.
TM-17962 - Fixed an issue where materials were reset after reimporting even if the only change was the container hierarchy.
TM-18016 - Fixed an issue where a new object with the same material ID was not using the Twinmotion material.
Presenter and Cloud Presenter
TM-17509 - Fixed an issue where clicking on the Play button in Presentations after pausing was resetting the timer per media.
Render and Export
TM-17814 - Fixed an issue with broken Render layers on macOS.
TM-17795 - Fixed an issue where Sun Disk Bloom, Lens Flare, and Dirt were not working on export when Auto-Exposure was enabled in Path Tracer mode.
TM-17300 - Fixed an issue with line artifacts in exported media in Path tracer when Auto-exposure and Denoiser were both enabled.
TM-17519 - Fixed an issue with line artifacts in the sky when HDRI and Path tracer were enabled.
TM-17426 - Fixed a performance issue when exporting videos from scenes containing Projector lights.
TM-17900 - Fixed an issue where activating the Path tracer showed the Camera target.
TM-18084 - Fixed an issue where shadows were not rendered in orthographic views.
TM-17220 - Fixed an issue where time estimates and calculations were not appearing for media exports.
TM-17187 - Fixed an issue where Auto-exposure was giving wrong results in Path tracer mode.
TM-16958 - Fixed an issue where visual artifacts were appearing in Lumen exports whenRefinement was enabled.
TM-17559 - Fixed an Out of video memory error when exporting a simple 16K Panorama.
TM-17816 - Fixed an issue where OpenStreetMap was not loading in Populate > Urban.
TM-17648 - Fixed an issue where the glowing part of the LED wall was visible when reopening the file even if the visibility was hidden in the Scene graph.
TM-16854 - The video source in the projection disappears from the Viewport after exporting a local Presentation.
TM-16206 - Fixed a crash with the texture manager and SBSAR materials.
TM-17810 - Fixed an issue where Ribbon shapes did not work on drop emitters.
TM-16360 - Fixed an issue where videos were black when exporting LED Wall instances.
TM-17592 - Fixed an issue with LED walls with incorrect video frames in exported video renders
TM-17782 - Fixed an issue where configuration triggers were sometimes displayed over other Twinmotion popups.
TM-16660 - Fixed an issue where when attempting to rename a configuration, the new name was not saved when the focus was lost.
TM-17829 - Fixed an issue with inconsistent trigger icon selection.
TM-17883 - Fixed an issue with ghost materials created during the media creation workflow with material switch mode.
TM-17835 - Fixed an issue where materials still appeared as used after deleting a configuration.
TM-17807 - Fixed a crash on macOS when clicking the trigger icon.
TM-17852 - Fixed an issue in media properties where selected states were not appearing in the viewport.
TM-17963 - Fixed an issue where the ambience of images could not be changed when an Ambience configuration was present in the file.
TM-17831 - Fixed an issue where changing the size of a trigger positioned the trigger to 0,0,0 when reopening the file.
TM-17843 - Fixed an issue where seven triggers could not be displayed in the viewport when the size of the triggers was large.
TM-17833 -Fixed a crash when selecting a trigger in the scene graph that was not attached to a configuration.
TM-18183 - Fixed an issue where the Disable option in the Modified properties list was not working.
TM-18006 - Fixed an issue where the visibility state was stored even if visibility was not checked in the settings.
TM-17879 - Fixed an issue where the thumbnails in the Color gradient list (Ambience panel > FX) were displayed as black.
TM-17707 - Fixed an issue where the Time of day slider in the View menu of the Viewport was not disabled in HDRI environments.
TM-17659 - Fixed an issue where the warning text for non-supported objects in the Modeling tool was cut off.
TM-17730 - Fixed an issue where the Home panel was hidden by the user interface when loading a file.
Known Bugs and Limitations Affecting 2025.1 Preview 2
TM-16015 - Inconsistent behavior in sequences when multiple keyframes are selected and the Shift key is pressed.
TM-16104 - Sequence properties are hidden when a sequence is played or stopped.
TM-16160 - Multiple overlapping keyframes are created when adding keyframes with a 3DConnexion SpaceMouse.
TM-16419 - Sometimes keyframe thumbnails appear empty.
TM-16103 - When you hover over the Path Tension setting in sequences, the highlight is not intuitive.
TM-17502 - Glb animated objects are smaller upon import compared to previous releases.
TM-18109 - In sequences, the render type cannot be changed on multi-selected keyframes that do not have the same rendering modes.
TM-18140 -Exported videos containing animation weigh 0 KB.
Content and Library
TM-18106 - Adding Megascans 3D objects to a scene can cause Twinmotion to freeze on MacOS.
TM-18092 - Twinmotion does not open the second time when launching from the Epic Games launcher on macOS.
Workaround: Launch the Twinmotion application from the Finder. The usual location for Twinmotion on macOS is: HD:Users:Shared:Epic Games:Twinmotion[version]
TM-18186 - When using the Ressource collector, duplicate textures with the same name do not have the same path.
Import and Interoperability
TM-16134 - Materials are reset on SKP models after reimport.
TM-16484 - User interface glitch in the Direct Link import window.
TM-16756 - Mesh import instances are lost on reimport.
TM-17486 - Importing a 3D model as a landscape scales it down to 1%.
TM-17487 - Landscape mesh import custom up axis is not working.
TM-17477 - Cannot export a Datasmith scene to the Unreal Engine project root folder on MacOS.
TM-17644 - Modified materials reset after Datasmith reimports if the mesh has been changed in the DCC.
TM-17745 - Base materials in exported Datasmith files imported into Unreal Engine are missing material function.
TM-17960 - Material is not always updated after SketchUp file reimport.
TM-18008 - SketchUp UV scale is not consistent for Datasmith imports.
Presenter and Cloud Presenter
TM-17725 - Video projection is not displayed in media thumbnails.
TM-17738 - Hidden objects are initially visible in Presentations if the export was done with the Push to Cloud button.
TM-17851 - Cloud Presentation renders in Path tracer mode if exported at the same time as a Path tracer Panorama Set .
Rendering and Export
TM-16504 - Glass materials do not cast shadows.
TM-17662 - Visual backward compatibility issue on scenes containing Fog rendered with Path tracer.
TM-17622 - Lumen Global Illumination is missing in Lumen videos exported with render layers.
TM-18132 - Performance degradation on 4K exports.
TM-18277 - On macOS, mesh cards are not immediately created on non-Twinmotion assets.
TM-16123 - Inconsistent icons between created materials and material preview.
TM-16417 - The thumbnails of Vehicle paths stored in the User library are rendered incorrectly.
TM-16522 - Changing the color of the Measure tool does not change it completely.
TM-16805 - The limit of simultaneous projections is 14, regardless of the resolution.
TM-17357 - Collapsed video parts that are copied and pasted are expanded.
TM-16706 - In the thumbnails of configurations that contain snow, the Ambience snow effect is excessive compared to the viewport.
TM-17783 - In visibility configurations, the visibility of objects in the thumbnail of a state and of exported media sometimes differs.
TM-17908 - Exported media differs when created from another media, and has state re-selected to None.
TM-17935 - In presentations with multiple media, states from first media are applied to all the media.
TM-17926 - Panorama state changes are notreflected correctly in Panorama sets.
TM-18161 - Configurations are not working in Local Presentations.
TM-18232 - Triggers are not visible immediately after changing a Presentation's Interface to Configuration.
TM-17515 - Splash screen is oversized if Twinmotion is launched from the taskbar.