Panorama Sets are groups of high-resolution 360 degree panoramas. Using the integrated hotspots, viewers can transition smoothly between panoramas and experience a fluid 3D virtual tour of your scene.
You can share Panorama Sets that are uploaded to Twinmotion Cloud with others using the automatically generated hyperlinks or QR codes provided in the Twinmotion Cloud Web Drive.
You can also provide direct access to specific panoramas inside Panorama Sets with panorama-specific hyperlinks and QR codes. When this type of hyperlink or QR code is used, the Panorama Set automatically opens to a specific panorama, but users still have access to the other panoramas in the set.
This page explains how to access and view a Panorama Set or a panorama using a hyperlink or a QR code.
A Panorama Set can also be shared by embedding it into the web page of any website using the HTML embed code supplied in the Web Drive for each Panorama Set. Embedded Panorama Sets are displayed automatically in an inline frame (iframe) when viewers open the web page.
Opening a Panorama Set or Panorama from a Hyperlink
Click the hyperlink of the Panorama Set or panorama, or enter the hyperlink in the address bar of your browser.
If they are not password-protected, the Panorama Set or panorama opens.
If they are password-protected, you are prompted to enter the password provided with the hyperlink.
Click the Launch Panorama Set button.
Opening a Panorama Set or Panorama from a QR Code
Open the camera of your mobile device or tablet.
Scan the QR code with the camera.
Click the web address that appears on the screen.
If the Panorama Set or panorama are not password-protected, they open.
If they are password-protected, you are prompted to enter the password.
Enter the password that appears at the bottom of the QR code image.
Click image to expand.
Click the Launch Panorama Set button.
User Interface Overview
The three main areas in a Panorama Set are:
The Viewport
The Media Strip
The Preferences menu
Click image to expand.
Area | Description |
1. Viewport | The Viewport is where the panoramas appear. You can navigate panoramas using keyboard, mouse, trackpad, and touchscreen controls. |
2. Media Strip | The Media Strip contains thumbnail images of all the panoramas that were added to the Panorama Set. Click a thumbnail to view a panorama in the Viewport. Each thumbnail also contains a unique hyperlink and QR code that you can share with others if you want a Panorama Set to open to a specific panorama. For more information, refer to Sharing Content from the Web Drive. |
3. Preferences menu | The Preferences menu contains two tabs:
User Interface Controls
Icon | Image | Description |
Full Screen | Enables and disables full screen mode. You can also press the Esc key on your keyboard to exit full screen mode. If a Panorama Set is embedded in a website (using the HTML embed code), full screen mode may not be available as some website providers do not allow fullscreen functionality for embedded iframe content on their websites. If full screen mode is not available in an embedded Panorama Set, contact your website administrator for help resolving the issue. | |
Preferences | Opens and closes the Preferences menu. | |
Open / Close Media Strip | Opens and closes the Media Strip. | |
Previous / Next | Displays the previous or next panorama. | |
Enable / Disable Motion Sensors | Enabled and disabled Motion Sensors icon | iOS and Android mobile devices and tablets contain motion sensors. These sensors are used to monitor the physical motion of the device. When viewing Panorama Sets on a mobile device or a tablet where motion sensors are enabled, you can look around the scene by moving your device. You can enable the motion sensors directly from within Panorama Sets by clicking the Enable / Disable Motion Sensors icon. The motion sensor feature is not available on devices that do not have motion sensors. |
Navigation Controls
When you first open a Panorama Set in a web browser, a Navigation panel appears on top of the scene. The Navigation panel contains information on how to navigate the panoramas by using a mouse, a keyboard, trackpad controls, or touchscreen gestures.
The first panel provides information on how to navigate using a mouse.
Mouse navigation controls
Click the arrow on the right side of the panel to see how to navigate using a keyboard, a trackpad, and touchscreen gestures.
Keyboard navigation controls
Trackpad navigation controls
Touchscreen navigation controls
Once you close the Navigation panel, you can view the controls again in the Controls tab by clicking the Preferences icon.
Preferences icon
Viewing Preferences
Click the Preferences icon, and select the Preferences tab.
Option | Description |
Language | Specifies the language used for user interface text in the Panorama Set. Options: English, Français, Deutsch, Español, Português, 中文, 한국어, 日本語 |
Transition Style | Switches between the Standard and Blur transition styles. When Blur is selected, a blur effect is added to smooth the transition between panoramas. Options: Standard, Blur |
Panorama hotspot display | Hotspots are visual indicators that show the location of panoramas in a scene. When you click on a hotspot, you are automatically teleported to the panorama associated with the hotspot. Hotspots are automatically added to panoramas in Panorama Sets, and their location in the scene is relative to the location of the camera when the panorama was created. The size of hotspot icons indicates the proximity of a panorama; larger hotspots indicate closer panoramas relative to your current location in the scene, and smaller hotspots indicate panoramas that are located further away. This option determines whether hotspots are enabled or disabled, and sets the hotspot viewing preferences.
Options: Auto, Off, On Teleporting with hotspots |