The images, videos, sequences, and panoramas you create in Twinmotion can be exported locally to your computer. You can export them one at a time, or export several of them at the same time.
This page provides an overview of the available file formats, modes, and resolutions for exporting and explains how to export your media locally.
The images, videos, sequences, and panoramas you create in Twinmotion can also be embedded into Local or Cloud Presentations, and panoramas can be embedded into Panorama Sets on Twinmotion Cloud. For more information, refer to Sharing and Collaborating.
File Formats, Modes, and Resolutions
The following tables show the available file formats, modes, and resolutions for exporting images, videos, sequences, and panoramas.
File Format | Mode | Resolution |
PNG, JPG, EXR | Standard, 3D |
Videos and Sequences
File Format | Mode | Resolution |
PNG, MP4, EXR | Standard, 3D |
PNG, MP4, EXR | 360, Video 360 3D |
File Format | Mode | Resolution |
PNG, JPG, EXR | Standard, 3D |
Exporting Media Locally
Open the Export panel by clicking Export in the Footer.
To start selecting media to export, in the Export panel click the Plus button next to Image, Video, or Panorama.
In the Export panel, sequences are located in the Video category. An icon appears on the thumbnails of sequences to differentiate them from videos.
For each type of media, a window opens that contains all the media you have created. The image below shows the window for panoramas.
Each window contains a Real time (Standard), Lumen, and Path tracer check box. By default, all the checkboxes are selected, and the windows show all the media created in each of these rendering modes. To view only certain modes, deselect the checkboxes of the ones you want to hide.
Select the media you want to export. The number of items that you select is shown in the Export panel.
To view or change the global export settings, in the Export panel click Image, Panorama, or Video (optional).
For information about the export settings, refer to Export Settings for Images and Panoramas or Export Settings for Videos.
When you are ready to start exporting, in the Export panel click Start export.
In the Select Folder window, select the folder in which you want to export the media.
The Exporting window appears and shows the progress of the export process.
When the window closes, the export process is completed.