This page explains how to create configurations that you can use to make interactive presentations that show different variations of a scene or product.
For an overview of configurations, see Configurations.
In the steps below, the states in the configuration show variations based on the Material switch category, but you can also create configurations based on Properties, Visibility, and Ambience.
In the Footer, click Media to open the Media dock.
In the Media dock, click the Configuration icon.
Select the type of configuration by clicking the ellipsis (...) and selecting Material switch.
Click the Add (+) icon.
This automatically creates a first state inside the new configuration. The state reflects the contents of the Viewport. It also automatically creates a trigger that appears in the Viewport.
Apply a new material to one or more objects.
Click the new state icon to create a new state.
This creates a new state that appears as a thumbnail in the Media dock.
By default, the status of the Viewport is not shown on the thumbnails. To copy the state of the Viewport and display it on a thumbnail, hover over the thumbnail, click the ellipsis (...) to open the menu, and select Capture thumbnail.
To switch between the first and second states, click the thumbnails of the states in the Media dock or click the trigger icon in the Viewport.
Configuration Properties
To view and modify the properties of a configuration, click the configuration in the Media dock. The properties of the configuration appear in the Properties panel and are divided into the following sections: Modified properties, Triggers, and Trigger settings.
Modified properties
The Modified properties section shows all the categories on which you can base configurations: Properties, Material switch, Visibility, and Ambience.
Selecting the checkbox next to a category enables that category in the configuration. For example, if you select the Material switch checkbox, you can modify materials in the scene and then create a new state that shows the new materials. If you deselect the checkbox, any changes you make to the materials in the scene will not be visible in the states.
The subentries for each category show the specific elements in the scene that are affected by the changes you make within the category. While the checkbox is selected, any change you make is applied to the element and is visible in the states you create.
In the Triggers section, you can view and manage the triggers in the configuration and create new triggers.
Clicking the ellipsis (...) next to the trigger opens a menu where you can Rename, Delete, and Duplicate triggers, as well as Copy settings and Paste settings from one trigger to another.
Trigger settings
Property | Location |
Location | Determines how the trigger icon appears in the scene.
Behavior | Determines how the trigger icon works to display states.
Icons | Provides a collection of icons you can use for triggers. You can also use your own custom icons by clicking the Add (+) button and selecting an image on your computer. Images can be in the following file formats: You can replace or delete custom icons by clicking the ellipsis above the icon and selecting an option from the menu. |
Details | Provides options for customizing the trigger icons.